Miserable Saturday................Then A Parcel Arrived!!

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    I am not keen on weekends :( They tend to drag on a bit & going out is not really for me until the spring/summer.................

    Around 11.00 am the post lady delivers a parcel which changed my day completely :) :) :)

    Now I wasn't sure about buying this one, I was outbid a few times & I didn't bother looking up this model either.............

    Right at the last minute after resolving to leave it, something changed my mind & I bid up on it so as to pretty much guarantee I got it! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    Won it for £55 & had I known what I had just bought I would of paid twice that easily................

    Next, I was chatting with Rudey & asked what they were like? - He was very positive & so I was quite excited especially when he said it would piss on my 7735 :eek: :eek: :eek: which is a real favourite of mine!!

    Arrived well packed & as seller stated it was crackly on volume & dirty!!

    Well I didn't need to open it up, just Servisol in the sliders & switches, cassette door removed to polish up the heads & pinch roller (very yucky) & a really good cabinet & speaker clean up!!

    Time to test on headphones while Big Tits cleaned the speakers up - I was very disappointed with the tape playback, very dull & woolly with a poor frequency response :( :(

    Now when you repair these things as long as I have, you usually have an idea what the problem could be :iconconfused:
    I thought surely the azimuth can't be as far out as to produce these symptons???

    It was over 4 full turns out, the locking screw received a tiny dab of locking glue after adjusting & cleaning the head again!!

    So far an easy Saturday I pondered as I refitted the cassette door not realising the best was yet to come!

    These stereo's are simply stunning, not only does it look gorgeous now with only 1 tiny scratch on 1 speaker, it sounds f**king amazing :headphones: :headphones: :headphones: How did Sanyo make such amazing mini's?? This is simply breath taking for such a tiny machine!! Both tuner & tape are above excellent performers

    If you spot one going, grab it!! Seriously you'll be glad you did!!

    So it turned into an amazing day for me - I can't stop looking at it & smiling.............It now lived on my computer desk right in front of me :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    Ok so here she is:

    Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (1).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (2).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (3).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (4).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (5).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (6).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (7).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (8).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (9).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (10).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (11).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (12).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (13).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (14).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (15).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (16).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (17).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (18).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (19).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (20).jpg Sanyo M7755K Radio Recorder - February 2017 (21)).jpg

    mrp32Dave, retro and Mystic Traveller like this.
  2. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Very clean and minty. Looks really nice
    nickeccles likes this.
  3. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Great pics, nice little component stereo from Sanyo! :thumbsup:
    nickeccles likes this.
  4. mrp32Dave

    mrp32Dave Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    United Kingdom
    Very nice little Sanyo :bigthumbsup:, I have several similar ones, I think they're great little boxes :biggrin:
    nickeccles likes this.
  5. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    The English Riviera
    Very nice pics. I wish we all took pics this good. Great box too. never seen this model before. Anyone else?
    nickeccles likes this.
  6. Northerner

    Northerner Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    the middle of nowhere
    Nice quality Sanyo
    nickeccles likes this.
  7. Deliverance

    Deliverance Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    United Kingdom.
    A cool looking Sanyo. .

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