dear moderators, do something against this permanent spamming, otherwise i‘m out of here -after 21 years - and i‘m quite serious about it !
I still don’t understand why they don’t just lock it so new users must have a few posts approved before they can start posting? This site will be just spam bots soon as everyone else would have left, due to only finding spam and nothing audio related.
Sorry guys, doing the best i can to ban them as soon as they appear but I can't stop the registrations, this will need the admins. I will speak to Hugo.
Hey T-ster i know you are doing your best, sorry if I appear to be moaning but it’s just frustrating to find mainly spam instead of audio related stuff.
No I totally get it, it is frustrating. I have suggested that we have an approval system for the first 5-10 posts to catch spammers, we'll see if this can be put in place.
We need more mods Tstar seems to be the only one doing anything about this, just my humble opinion.......boomboxery seems not to get spam, maybe speak to fatDog Tstar.........Auto lad, drink a bottle of JD you wont remember anything in the morning Sir lol
Something definitely needs to be done, although a balance needs to be struck between welcoming genuine new users and putting off the spammers. Looking through the members online I assumed Mark Rivera was just another spammer, then found that in his very first real post he had posted photos of his Hi-end HiFi setup. It might be an idea to require a photo of some audio gear in the first post. If things are going to be more strict I think we will need more moderators. If people have to wait a week to get approval, or for their first post to appear they might not bother with a second.
I have been totally trashed the last few days Auto, im re living my youth lol, being streight is no solution lad lol
As i say, i am happy to check in every day, approve posts, ban any spammers etc but I am only a moderator, not an admin, I have no method to set up a new user filter etc, If i could i would be doing this already. I just need to get in touch with Hugo and if he can set this up I will happily check approve posts from new users, I also think an extra moderator would be useful.
T-ster, you rock ! i will also try to contact hugo because of that. this forum is worth too much and ongoing for ages, to important to be abandonned
I’m sorry for the inconvenience but although we have several protections against spammers it’s getting hard lately. I’ll try to set a better protection today to keep the experience as good as it was. Cheers,
Hi fellows, just some news: - I deleted around 1500 new users that registered some weeks ago and all them had suspicious email, like (any number), so you'll see the user count to lower down to the common level. - I increased a bit the requisites to register, and will continue to do so. - A new mod is between us: @Mister X , who can help in those cases or any other problem. - A new set of rules is on the go - Two-step verification will be mandatory soon, so registration will be a bit slower but spammers will have more problems with us I hope all that end up in a better experience for all of us