It thrilled me to see this site. I like to tinker with old electronics because truth be told; I am the original owner for most of them; I am currently seeking help with my WM-F75 Sony that I dug out of storage, but the spindles no longer work. I hope to get help and be helpful in future projects.
Welcome! It most likely needs a belt but sometimes they get dropped and it's something bigger. I have a soft spot for the Sports Models, the amount of protection designed into them is amazing, some of the later models even have metal parts on the casing for protection.
Thank you for your prompt reply. I am encouraged by your response. I believe you are right and it could be a belt because the motor sounds like it is turning on when I press play the spindle just doesn't move. I did not want to open her until I got some advice. Which leads me to two problems. I do not have the original manual which makes me hesitant to open her up (I truly don't know how.) The other issue is, if this is a belt issue, where would I go for parts? Sony was less than helpful with this. I haven't tried the link to the free service manual. Most sites like that are paid for by click through advertising and have quite a few irrelevant links as well as the one you want (often hidden in a corner). As for belts Fixyouraudio have a good reputation. I have bought a couple from them.
Thank you for this. I immediately downloaded the manual and will pull my wm-f75 apart when the new belt arrives. I am also looking to refurbish this Walkman when I complete the repair and hopefully I will find a new ac input cover, the one on it disintegrated when I touched it which made me think the rubber gasket around the door would have dried out too but it seems fine.
I highly recommend JIS Screwdrivers for any Japanese Equipment, they look like "Phillips" heads but the angle is slightly different and the little screws will cam-out and you'll never get them out. The JIS Screwdrivers grab them real good. Something like Rubber Renew might help with the gasket, I also use it on dried rollers but don't expect it to last long.