Boombox speaker/amp upgrade

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by richlooker, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. richlooker

    richlooker New Member S2G Supporter

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    Oslo, Norway
    I have a JVC RC-838 and a Panasonic RX-5500. Both are big, bold and beautiful, and they sound nice. But, compared to what even smallish bluetooth speakers of today can do, they don't have much oomph in the bass division. I wonder if it's doable to enhance the bass output by replacing the amp output stages and maybe the speaker drivers.

    I'm thinking of something like this; a class D module that runs on 12V, in theory this should be much more efficient than the existing class AB amps, and make available a lot more power.

    With more power available, it should be possible to drive better speaker units, with bigger magnets - less efficient but with better abilities in the lower frequency region. Maybe something like the Visaton BG 17:

    Has anyone tried anything like this? Any thoughts?
  2. radiorich

    radiorich Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Washington state
    Hello Richlooker,
    Far as that boombox goes I like using Visaton brand speakers when I am restoring my radios and car audio they are make some great speakers and I find that they are fairly Efficient and so can great on units with lower power .
    If I were you my first step would to replace The electrolytic capacitors before doing anything else you will see am improvement I am currently restoring a 1970s Sony radio I tested all the Electrolytic capacitors and they were bad .
    I have been repairing electronics as a living since the 1980s I use to do warranty work on JVC and Panasonic gear both of them have made some great stuff over the years .
    I don't know your background but I went to school and got degree in electronics plus I have ran my own shop since the 80s .

    sincerely Richard
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I fitted Alpine speakers into a Sharp boombox, after my attempt at replacing the rubber surrounds failed.
    Prior to that I had seen pictures of a GF777 someone had done the same to.

    While bigger magnets etc sounds to be a great idea I would be very careful to make sure there is enough room inside the box for them to fit.
    I only just got those to fit, and as you can see that was at one particular angle.
  4. richlooker

    richlooker New Member S2G Supporter

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    Oslo, Norway
    Sounds reasonable; these are probably AC-coupled all over with 40+ years old electrolytics. I'll start there. Simultaneously, I have a wreck RX-5500 that I can use as testing grounds for speaker/amplifier replacements.

    Cool, I'll look into Alpine speakers as well, more expensive than Visaton, but I suspect a coax car speaker will be even better, if I can make it fit. I will make careful measurements before ordering anything.

    Cheers, Richard
  5. radiorich

    radiorich Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Washington state
    Hello Richlooker,
    Sounds good and let us know what you find out just make sure if you do use car speakers that your amp is ratted for 4 ohm speakers check out parts express they have tons of speakers to choose from .
    I have a 1980s Phillips boombox that I want to restore .
    Sincerely Richard

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