..and as for your choice of music I remember seeing Herbie play Rockit and Future Shock on The Tube in the 80s - at the time I believed he was from outer space! Wonderful (great boombox btw!)
[GALLERY=media, 1783]IMG_0420 (3) by Phil Wood posted Aug 12, 2021 at 9:15 PM[/GALLERY] This JVC PC55 was bought off EBay with a duff LCD display and a few other bits. I replaced the broken speaker connector and antenna. Everything was working but the duff LCD annoyed me. I spotted and bought another none working PC55, the amp had died and smoke came out. I bought it in the hope that the cassette would be okay and it was, so I swapped them over and bought some blue LEDs to replace the dead backlighting. The advert was correct, the other amp was dead but no sign of overheating or burning. The spare unit then lived on a shelf for a few years. Not long ago I dug the dead one out, to prove that WD40 was not a lubricant (I had used it to get the auto-reverse to work, it was sticking). Yes, the autoreverse had stuck again, however, the thing nearly blew my ears out. I have no idea what happened, but during those years of gathering dust on a shelf the amp had cured itself! I now have two working PC55s, one with a defective LCD, apart from that and a few noisy switches, they are both working perfectly! I have bought white LEDs cuz I don't like the blue colour. The only other problem is that I only have one handle.
Oh well, dug both of them out today, the amp on the spares machine was still working but now the cassette is playing up, keeps going to sleep when I try to play a tape. Still the main one is still working well.
Hard to find them these days with the LCD screen still working properly. Nice unit though, I remember JVC having a few variations.