After much searching I have just found this was in the 17th Feb 1983 edition of Smash Hits. Since the manufacturers provided the equipment for review they were obviously still promoting it. I was wondering what replaced the M90 and found this catalogue page. I'm not sure of the year but it shows 3 piece systems like the PC55 being more heavily promoted.
This brochure is from 1983 longman i had a similar one, they were indeed fazing out the old line and pushing the likes of the pc55 pc 11, i didn't follow jvc for some reason after this i mainly bought Panasonic after my jvc dc33l interesting fact, i have never seen the dc 33l in any brochure bud
Yeah it's sad that 3-pieces took over. They might sound better, but only indoors. Most of them can't be heard outdoors.
This and you're tweeter comments always make me laugh my friend started to think about the m90 tho, it's the only big sounding box with "8 woofers good tweeters, logic deck and both dolby systems....long live the m90 i say
JVC knew their shit. Well it took them awhile. Aiwa and Sanyo were the best in the late 70's, but then in 80 JVC started providing real power and technology. No other midsize box is as loud as the M70. Then the M90 came out in 81 with even better quality. From then on, it was JVC vs Panasonic vs Sharp fighting for the best quality award.
Returning to this old tred ... I found another one on ebay .. It looks new NEW King of all JVC RC-M90 LB Radio Cassette Recorder Ghetto Blaster Boombox | eBay
Can buy a Lexus LS slightly used car for this price with a Mark Levinson audio system. The best 'portable' audio studio available!
This listing looks as fake as they come, there were several things you did not actually get with one of these............nice example though cassette2go, have you re belted you're m90's yet my friend???? remember to change all 3 of them sunshine