Holy cow is this neat, they've got a ton of photos including RUN DMC.
Many of the same record players are featured here although some of the photos are different. I like the comment on the EastAnglia site about straight from the set of Barbarella. In the same era (1967) this is what people thought you would be driving home from work in
Great website Longman, I can look at all of those crazy designs forever, I have a feeling Techmoan is hunting for the Wega as we speak. I just bought a early 70's portable TT, not as nice or big but still in my budget range and cool to look at.
I was just looking around the East Anglia website and found a load of adverts showing the other end of the recording chain
Made by Litton Industries a brand I had completely forgotten about. In the 1970s their cash registers were quite common here in the U.K.
Well they were an American company, headquartered in California. A bit like Remington Rand, who we discussed earlier this week, and Rockwell, who made everything from Calculators to Space Shuttles !
That was back when they said invest in the stock market, pick one of these iconic manufacturers, don't move your money, win, win, win. Most of them are gone now or merged.
Remember the Panasonic Egg Chair on that site ? At the shopping centre in Southampton I was rather surprised to see a load of similar chairs at a place selling frozen yoghurt It seems that style has had a bit of a revival