Hey there! I'm new to this hobby and I've been researching the different types of Walkmans including mainly the wm-f line because I'm interested in having a portable cassette player with the functionality to also play my favourite stations. The designs of the metal Walkmans are just beautiful and having a clear window to see the tape rolling is just mesmerizing. I've been looking a lot at the wm-f1 and the wm-f10. However, I wanted to ask to see if anyone else had some recommendations for Walkmans that had FM/AM, as well as a metal case with a screen. Having a metal case and a plastic screen isn't a must though. Thanks for all your advice/help! Blessings, Zak
There are many different models of walkman units with FM/AM radio, Some they have a cassette tuner and some have built-in AM/FM radio. The most beautiful looking one belong to AIWA, Models like: AIWA HS-J9 AIWA HS-UV9 My recommendation you should stay away from AIWA or Panasonic unless you find one with fully restored by a professional. (Usually the cassette component wont work on AIWA due to bad capacitors) Toshiba Walkman units are good idea (most of the time both radio and walkman component work and restoring is easier than Panasonics or AIWAs) these are some : Toshiba KT-PS9 Toshiba KT-PS30 Toshiba KT-PS7 Sony also made some good walkmans with built-in AM/FM tuner including: WM-f10/20/30 WM-f100 WM-f73 (unlikely to find one with a working cassette section ) Sony WM-F707 is better option since the sound quality is slightly better than f10/20 or f230 another option is to find a Sony cassette tuner CTP-1A with a compatible walkman like WM-40, WM-R15,WM-55, WM-800 ...
Awesome, thanks so much for your help @Boodokhan ! The KTPS9 and PS7 look sick, but I really like the look of the f10/20/30 series, so hopefully I can snag one. The wm-f10 II so far is probably my favourite because of the ability to do AM as well.
I've got a CD Walkman D-FJ61 and the CD works fine but I can't get a peep out of the radio - except the peeps one gets when pressing buttons to change stations. Can this be solved and would it just be a simple setting to change or is it a major (terminal) problem? I know I probably should've started a new topic but I couldn't be arsed!
I bought a tape Walkman like that at a car boot sale. It was immaculate and still in its box, so I suspect it went wrong very early in its life and got put away and forgotten about. The bad news is that there are dozens of components in any 20th Century radio tuner and the failure of any of them will stop it from working. Without a service manual, test equipment, and a source of spare parts it would be be unlikely you could fix it. The best possibility would be to get one of the same model with a faulty laser and swap parts.
I've found a service manual on eBay so I'm getting there! Under the lid it has some kind of cover where the radio bit and display is so I suppose that would house a small motherboard. As I said, the CD plays alright, just the radio is mute. I managed to get another of the same unit, the CD Walkman D-FJ61 but this time the CD side has given up the ghost, time to give up on CD walkmans I think, I've had loads of the buggers and they all fail in a short time, can't be arsed any more, to be honest I can't be arsed with life any more, it's 1,000% bad. I've managed to get both of them in the same box so they can go to s charity shop along wit the service manual, I've had enough of problems, all of my life has been one long problem. 64 years of no hope.