I was at the Munich High End Show last week, the only thing I saw that would be of vague interest to people here is. See attached image. It was a static display at the headphone shop stand, can anyone spot the mistake?
You can't expect a little headphone company to be able to afford a TPS-L2 these days. Guardians of the Galaxy had the same effect on those as Back to the Future had on DeLoreans.
The store may not be able to afford the Walkman, but I expect them to do their research and put out the correct info.
Sorry I don't really take pictures at shows. One of the rooms I enjoyed was the Nagra room, I did not really think I would enjoy a Nagra Wilson combination but surprisingly I did. When I was in that room they was using their new £175000 turntable, I may also be biased as they played Daft Punk - Giorgio by Moroder which is the best track on the Random Access Memories album.
Nice! Nagra has some amazing looking equipment, what is the top unit on the right stack, it kind of looks like tape with one spool on the top?
Do you mean the left as looking from the front? If so, they did also play Reel II Reel but if you did mean right looking from the front than it's the Nagra CDC CD player. The Nagra turntable looks like a Goldmund, I bet Goldmund are making the turntable for Nagra.
Just watching the Darko Audio YouTube channel, he has been record shopping in Munich. It's funny we both go to the same records shops while in Munich, except I go to a few more while in Munich. The M2 shop is walking distance from my friends flat, unlike him I walk everywhere. @autoreverser the M2 record store is walking distance from where we met last time at the Gasteig, when you go to Munich next you should check out M2 records it near Rosenheimer Platz.