Hey Everyone! Chicago in the house with another rabbit hole of a hobby lol

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by JoserMDK, Jun 10, 2022.

  1. JoserMDK

    JoserMDK New Member

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    Just saying hi :hi2: and thanks for this awesome forum thats already helped me with my newly acquired walkman. Got lucky on an auction (or at least I think I did) with a brand new in box wm-ex921. Doesn't seem to be much info about this model out there or at least not as much as a lot of the other models but hopefully I can help others that run into one with the little info I do have.

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  2. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    Welcome to the club!
    What are your other 'rabbit-hole' hobbies??

    Mine are:

    Hi-end Audio: Naim Audio gear and Shunyata Research $1k+ power cords make a serious dent to my finances!
    Fighter Jets plastic modelling kits - under $100 each but once you factor in aftermarket parts and Iwata airbrushes this almost competes with Shunyata power cords
    180g LPs from a few pressing plants: King Super Analog LPs sound as good to me as being in a cheap seat at LA Opera
    Japanese Mini-LP CDs with 'Promo Boxes': these are duds but what a nice package, I just buy them!!!
    JVC XRCD and Esoteric SACDs - these are for real the Best Thing on the Evil Side of digital!
    Leather-clad or Limited Eds books of my fav authors: William Faulkner or Richard Dawkins, does not matter!... I just love the heft of a book vs Kindle while nurturing myself to sleep!

    Chicago is my fav city, lived there for seven years of my life (I am like like an Eternal Jew: Alma-Ata, Novosibirsk, Kyiv, Chicago, Malibu, Oxnard...): Chicago Pro Musica and Tower Record across the street is where I spent my time. Unless already acquainted, definitely talk to John Schwarz of ProMusica - the Dude is one of those uber-rare sellers who do Not push you into buying anything but just explains and shows the difference between different boxes...
    Boodokhan and Mister X like this.
  3. JoserMDK

    JoserMDK New Member

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    Mainly I collect retro video games and related collectibles. Definitely a big rabbit hole. I got into various series and then end up with collectible LPs, figures, comics, accessories, etc.. A little over 20 yrs worth so you can imagine :loldiag:
    Mister X and Jorge like this.
  4. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    Collectible LPs is my cup of tea! Had fun with my all-time-fav "Wish You Were Here" as half-speed, picture-disc, 180G, boxed-sets, remasters... in the end do Not listen to no PF no more,... how many times can one listen to the same tune?? Reverted to my childhood favorites of Brahms under Bohm, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and Bruckner, still trying to comprehend Mahler under Bernstein (not very successfully I must admit!... maybe one has to be more Jewish than I am at just 25% ;))
    Stamps, I forgot that I had a few books of stamps which got left behind in Kyiv when I moved to Chicago: Outer Space and Airplanes and a few real old ones from my daddy. Wonder where they are nowadays...
    Boodokhan, Mister X and JoserMDK like this.
  5. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to Stereo2go JoserMDK
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  6. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum! I love old video games, I was an early MAME Lover when that first started something like 20 years ago. I've snagged some older consoles over the years with games, some of them are still a ton of fun to play and a good change of pace. Believe it or not I do still have some comics, I kept all of my late 70's San-Fran Underground Comics, The Freak Brothers, etc.....
    JoserMDK likes this.
  7. JoserMDK

    JoserMDK New Member

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    MAME is pretty sweet when it works right lol. Just did a setup of MAME with the Sinden light guns. Pricey but sooo worth it to play classic gun games on my OLED tv.
    Mister X likes this.

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