I didn't realise there was a capacitor tucked in the battery box until I caught a glimpse of blue when cleaning the visible contacts on a WM-101 and WM-102. It's hard to see the values on the side but I think they are 1500uf 4v. replacement would have to be no more than 10-11mm in height. I wanted to check status of the caps with a visual inspection, and also try and test the ESR (resistance) on both caps using a new MESR-100 meter I just picked up. Having initially opened up the little lid covering the top of the cap compartment on my WM-101, I noticed there was a high risk of cracking the clip on the main battery box. The lid on the WM-102 was a little easier as they increased the width of the plastic dimensions which strengthened things up. ESR values: WM-101 0.07 WM-102 0.107 ESR reference table shows they should be healthy if reading is under 0.2 I thought I would then check if the ESR meter could test the caps without needing to take off the cover to the little compartment - potentially saving accidental damage. I expected the reading to be less reliable due to the extra routing of metal to the external contacts. But touching only the tiny contacts that would connect the battery box to base of Walkman with ESR probes I got the following values: WM-101 0.08 WM102 0.110 Slightly higher but still showing that it can be done without risking breaking any plastics. the readings took a little time to settle perhaps because of corrosion build up on the contacts. Since I've got both of mine open I might try and replace what I assume would be 30+ year old caps - maybe with these nichicons : http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/2323897.pdf I love the engineering on these tiny parts - the little recess area to account for the cap pins sticking up! WM-101 part seems tidy but more fragile.
same question if you're still around (hopefully you are). Also do you have a source for said capacitors? I haven't had much luck in the search...
Yeah I have the size (have two - one of which needs replacing) I plan on printing a few other holders as well and am looking for a source/vendor for these capacitors... can't seen to find exact specs and geometry. Any leads would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry for delay, life and divorce got in the way! For the cap at value 1500uf 4v and limited by no more than 10-11mm in height: I bought couple of the Nichicon's which turned out to be taller than I thought. and also 2 Panasonic SMD's - but I've not tried them yet - I'll let you know when I finally root the originals out of the tight spot. I'm in the UK, so these were available at the time - Panasonic (out of stock at Farnell - although DigiKey have some): 6.3v 1500uF EEEFP0J152AP https://uk.farnell.com/panasonic/eeefp0j152ap/cap-1500-f-6-3v-radial-smd/dp/1539505 H:10.2mm x D10mm Nichicon (out of stock): 6.3v 1500uF PLG0J152MD01 1580599 https://uk.farnell.com/nichicon/plg0j152mdo1/cap-1500-f-6-3v-20/dp/1580599?ost=plg0j152mdo1 Interesting to see this option available from China now for battery case: