Anyone who owns a Sony FH series system always desire for a CDP-7F cd player .. It's really difficult to find one up for sale and expensive too. So I end up having the Sony Xplod as a CDP-7F wannabe...
Could you show how you wired that up please? This would potentially make any car stereo with a cd player a donor unit! Nice idea!
The unit came with a RCA line-out totally no hassle at all on the wiring, but I use external power supply to power up the unit.
I am not sure if it fits but keep in mind that there is also CDP-17F model which is rather cheap and more easily found: backlight for the panel is usually burnt but its an easy fix. I have two of these, both with strong lasers and fully re-calibrated but they still have unacceptable for bbox/mid-fi gear habit of skipping at the slightest hit. Looks like a design glitch to me: CDP-17F has the craziest CD spindle motor-platter assembly I have ever seen. Now waiting for parts to test one idea, shall report here if it works. Overall, it looks like completely independent design team was working on this model, and they were forbidden any communication with whoever designed all other Sony Discmans
I was lucky enough to get a CDP-17F when I was sent the FH-209W for free from a kind gentleman on Boomboxery, I just covered the courier! The backlight was not working, so I soldered a small LED in. Gave it a good clean and now it works perfectly, although it too skips with the slightest of touches, guess its a design fault as you said! I think I may have another one in my container, along with a CDP-7 I got as a non-working unit on eBay a few years back, and a spares one that was mint until the courier smashed the fascia by dropping it.