Always wanted one of these as I have a large collection of stereo microcassette players and recorders, but only two mini boxes a Fisher PH-M88 and a Sanyo M-X66. It was described as fully working except the microcassette deck would not record and this was the case. Although the standard cassette deck worked fine something didn't seem quite right, so whipped the back cover removed the main circuit board and a metal cover on the back of the deck. One of the belts had been replaced with an elastic band, why do people do this? Also all the old belt residue had not removed from the pulleys so cleaned all these up and fitted a fresh set of belts. I wasn't going to do anything else to it as it was very clean, but there was some dirt behind the speaker grills like something had been splashed through them, this was bugging me. So decided while I already had it apart to completely strip it remove the speaker grills and clean behind them. Since it was now in bits thought I may a well re-belt the microcassette, it only uses one small belt and rubber tyres so cleaned all these. The recording problem with the microcassette was that when the main board had been put back on, the record arm had not been located properly in recording bar, simple fix. So here are some pictures of the work done and the end result a very nice box
This must be quite nice Dave as the speakers look quality, just hope Nick eccles dosen't see it haha, not sure i have seen one of these before eather i agree about the elastic band thing just crazy, im sure my crown 980 has one of these installed, she is just so unstable but that's another job for my engineer after he has fixed my other m90
It's a SANYO I want a minty one of these too but don't hold out much hope for one How's it sound on cassette? I know micro cassette was never a winner for high quality music!! Still want one though.................. My M-7900K arrived with a stationary elastic band fitted around the motor to the flywheel, a very undersize tight one at that! I suspect it was to gain a quick sale but as the performance was so dreadful I ended up paying £25 for a mint BNIB condition 7900!! Result
I was lucky enough to play with one of these last night courtessy of board memeber Sotza. A seriously nice piece of kit. Better quality than the Aiwa but if I was honest, not quite as stylish but I'm a bit biassed here. Nice work Dave.
I had to search the web for this model to see what it looks like and I came here. Micro cassette and a standard cassette in a radio. Lucky for me this has pictures because there was recent chatter in another thread August of 2024 that mentioned this model and I couldn't remember what it was and they didn't show a picture. So here is thread revival.
I'm lucky to have both versions, one dirt cheap from Japan and one BIN cheap late night researching the B&B thread. You might like this thread, maybe the most comprehensive on Stereo Microcassettes. This guy has a collection that rivels yours, he has the AIWA Version which looks nearly the same, I think it's towards the end.
I wonder who that person is that's in Canada with that huge collection. I've not seen it before until now. All I really ever wanted to do was have a decent sounding cassette player. Portable that I could take with me which is why I had to buy so many different models to understand which one would play. Preferably one day's time on its internal set of batteries, and give me moderate volume and sounds okay or decent. Not terrific. Just so I don't have to wear headphones.
Yes he has some great boomboxes and other classic audio designs, unfortunately he doesn't check in very often these days.