The time has come

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Radio Raheem, Nov 16, 2022.

  1. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    This place is dead guys its time to leave sorry guys

    MR X THERE IS A GROUP ON FACEBOOK run by decent man for you called boombox you will love it there I'm not there though god bless see ya bro

    longman c ya thanks for youre help over the years,,,,,C ya lads
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2022
    RTM and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Say it isn't so Radio! I'm giving this post four Mickey Mouses....

    Unfortunately I don't do Identity Stealerbook and now you can't see posts without an account so that's off the table. Hopefully you get a little bored and come back, there' still some life around here and there's room for the guy that owned 2-5 of every cool box made. Give us a shout out once in a while!

    Here's my Mickey Mouse Homage, short notice other wise it would have been to the ceiling!

  3. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    that is one of the best posts EVER Mr x mickey mouse or not, what a wall what a thoughtful and kind post..........ok i'm back lol

    seriously if we had posts like this like in the old days i would have no issues lad......i only built a wall like that omce it had 2 m90's 2 gf 1000 and 2 toshiba wx1 lad,,,,YET you're wall is bigger and better than the great radio raheems.......more like mickey moouse raheem lol.......cheers bro

    tell ya what it looks well impressive on my new laptop with 65 inch screen.....rock on
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
    Mister X, Jvc floyd and autoreverser like this.
  4. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    What Radio Raheem you are leaving Boombox chat area or you leaving Stereo20?
  5. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    i;m back chris this is old news lad.....i have more period pains than a woman lad lol......i sure hope you are ok some shit lad come on lol
    Mister X, Jvc floyd and autoreverser like this.
  6. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Okay I see. It is a bit quiet round here, but I guess I don't post much either. Since I am not a collector of anything, I only mainly post about music I am enjoying since to me it's all about the music. Why don't share a few of what you are interested in?
  7. Maxx134

    Maxx134 New Member

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    Hi guys, it may be dead but I find Facebook very scattered and then mixing alot posts without proper timeliness, really Facebook is all over the place. I have to select a group to bot get random stuff and even then the timeline is off.
    At least these sites have organization and ability to search topics.
    I have been looking thru ebay, and suddenly see a surge of expensive boomboxes in last month, but also boxes that I never even seen before. Really interesting to look thru ebay.
    Also, on another note, I tried purchasing a box from Japan and have to say they really try to peddle the worst stuff as good. I don't know how they use filters or old pics and then I get the actual box looks 100yrs old.
    Lucky ebay return keeps them from scamming me but I wasted time trying to find a decent "National 7200" box and if from Japan they simply don't know how to ship no matter how much you pay they can't be trusted to ship properly.
    Also yahoo auctions is truly an only buy no return gamble.
    Anyways I thought I would post here as lastest activity since Radio Raheem posted.
  8. Maxx134

    Maxx134 New Member

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    For instance, I never thought I would see this box listed:
    Mister X likes this.
  9. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    fook ya Raheem, you‘re staying RIGHT HERE, this is a fooking ORDER !

    mate, you‘re one of those i know through this forum for longer than a dog‘s lifetime (or almost…), you‘re supposed to be one of the last men standing as well, means somebody has to switch off the lights here some day (…and i don‘t wanna do that all alone…).
    suffer, baby, suffer and stay :please:
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
    Radio Raheem, Mister X and Jvc floyd like this.
  10. Jvc floyd

    Jvc floyd Member

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    Maryland. Usa
    I have not been on here for years but that's going to change I guess I can't be a hypocrite and call people out for not posting and then I don't post a damn thing.
    Mister X and autoreverser like this.
  11. Jvc floyd

    Jvc floyd Member

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    Maryland. Usa
    We need to send you the Hubble Space Telescope so you can see the damn screen lol.
    Radio Raheem and autoreverser like this.
  12. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    You got Jvc floyd out of retirement, what next Walkgirl and AO?
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  13. Jvc floyd

    Jvc floyd Member

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    Maryland. Usa
    That would be great.
    Mister X likes this.
  14. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I might have something to write about when I open the Jauce parcel that turned up last month on Christmas day.
    Regarding eBay I wonder if collections will start to appear as people get their heating bills and mortgage payments
    (both are going up a lot in the U.K).

    Last week I spent a couple of hours looking around charity shops killing time while waiting for my wife and didn't find anything to tempt me.
    I did buy something and saw something amusing in Dorset Blind Association's shop today. My purchase was Now That's What I call Power Ballards 3 CD set for £1.50.
    For people outside the U.K. the NOW series have always been the original tracks. This one has the likes of Queen Patti Smith Group, and of course Europe and was issued by Sony in 2015. The amusing thing was a few cassettes by artists I didn't recognise in the glass cabinet along with watches, jewellery etc prices at £3 each.

    There can't be a cheaper time to get into CDs than the moment.
    Mister X and Radio Raheem like this.
  15. RTM

    RTM Member

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    SE U.S.
    Hey! I just got here. I was told being fashionably late was a sure sign of small analog form factor, coefficient of hipness. (I think I was lied to...)

    Seriously, I'm glad you're staying. It's possible to be on Bassfook and stay secure, but you can't click on "dumb stuff". Most of all in its messaging app.

    It's a lot easier to go in depth here. I received a LOT of help from the walkman faithful here (including most of you guys) and I appreciate both the group and the members I've gotten to know.

    And that now includes you, Radio Raheem! I hope it wasn't my digital breath or something. (Cups hands to mouth...)

    I have a new arrival or two but I haven't had time to rack up any user impression reports about my recently acquired PMD-430's. So, I'll work on having more things to contribute. Just gimme a

    All Internet discussion groups (and I mean all of them) slow down in Summer and don't really pick up again until after the time change. Arguably, Christmas.

    Thing will get busier. This is a very knowledge rich website. I've been able to research the retail pricing and specifications for most of my collection here and without this site, that'd have been considerably harder.

    I'll work on snapping a few pictures to up the eye candy appeal...

    Best to everyone!
  16. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    You got Jvc floyd out of retirement, what next Walkgirl and AO?

    if you ask me nicely, i give you the valid phone-number of TPR (jens) via pn…
    Hans, Mister X and Radio Raheem like this.
  17. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Agent Orange still pops up from time to time and i see Walkgirl pop up once in a blue moon, it would nice to see them back.
    Mister X likes this.
  18. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    We have known of each other for decades conad back to our old drinking days my friend.....we would be in the chat room with many others

    we were always the last men standing lol.......i am just a normal twisted foooked up guy with many issues lol but try to stand for fairness honesty

    things like this cruel sick world there aren't many of us left lad.......i will be staying bro as long as things hopefully pick not into facebook things like that for starters you need an account......hell i have just lost ebay because of there crazy verification system they can stick it up their jacksee lol

    god bless lad if you belive in those things i;m sure you don;t like me lol......i know a 60 year old bloke and he still believes in Faries haha/////i am the antichrist and we all need to take the piss out of this cruel world/////go play some lemmings on the commadore 64 or watch bottom or the young ones haha......fuck sake someone give me a 67 inch keyboard im sick of editing things as i cant see the bloody thing lol
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
    Mister X and autoreverser like this.
  19. Jvc floyd

    Jvc floyd Member

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    Maryland. Usa
    Lol a normal twisted fooked up guy that stands for fairness and honesty
    It sounds like a train wreck that plows into a dumpster fire and gets a Nobel peace Prize lol.
  20. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    somewhen in the 80’ies i had bought new my wm-d6c for a little fortune - in fact it was from savings from my first 3 proper payments - over the years i forgot about it and it needed me more than 10 years, to decide hoarding walkmen. i managed to purchase a nice wm2 and my first cloneman those days and within the quick growing world wide fooking web i found and registered - that was somewhen last millenium ( i think it was 1995 or 1996 ?).
    yeah, the time of chatrooms came much later and the fast growing crowd of idiots, who collected all this useless junk grew in a way, that pocketcalculatorshow became to small - i think that was the birth of (Paul‘s) „stereo2go“.
    there i met so many other then, from other countries, continents, planets etc. what mainly got most together then wasn‘t the fact, that we all collected „society-welfare-junk“, it was the spirit and soul that comes within one of those units, the memories having a party cranking a boombox or the fun you remember having sitting in the schoolbus and blow your walkman in a way, that there was a little air-cushin between earbuds and your ears…
    we discussed our lifestyles with bmx-bikes, fancy cars, homes, motorbikes, hifi-systems, tattoos and and and…

    those days are gone and they won‘t come back, but folks like you, Raheem, Floyd, AO, MisterX and many many more decided to make a commitment to keep treasure with this old lifestyle. me too, that‘s wh i‘m still here - and will stay here, probably untill they carry me out my houe with slippy on my left toe, just before somebody throws boxes full of clonemen in the junk.

    you better stay here, one day we meet in person (promise !), wearing long johns, glasses thick as ahtrays and use a walking-stick…

    edit: and we‘re trying to crank up a boombox (…the fooking thing will probably hae some issues, so that we decide to leave that and enjoy some medicine together instead…)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2022
    Emiel, Mister X and Radio Raheem like this.

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