Looking at the condition of this unit it was probably retrieve from a dump site. It's non functional unable to power up as claimed by the seller... Nevertheless I wish to try my luck even with lack to no confidence if I could revive it. Look out for my next update..
If you get it going you will have to look out for an SL-N5 http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/got-my-new-panasonic-sl-n5-today.422/
If you can get the electronics working, then I propose the following - - - 1. You can literally take a layer of plastic off the device with acetone. It will dissolve the outer layer. You might lose any original sheen and/or tint on the plastic, but it will definitely get you down to the original plastic. Be sparing with the acetone as it will round off the corners of your device if you use too much ... another possibility is to wet-sand it with 2000-grit sandpaper 2. A device like this will have likely have cheap / terrible speakers. There are so much better speakers available today in a small form factor because of the portable bluetooth speaker market! You might consider replacing the drivers inside of the speaker enclosures, it should sound tremendously much better with much beefier speakers (woofers weighing 3x as much are easy to procure)!