The Sparks Brothers 2 h 21 min (2021) See trailer and watch the film. Also, apparently it is on Netflix. I heard this oldie today, wow, it was so long ago! And then I found out that they have a documentary made about them!
I love the Sparks! I was first exposed to them watching that classic film Rollercoaster, one of the 70's movies with Sensurround, humongous speakers that really shook the building. They only turned on for action scenes, like when the rollercoaster was moving. As kids we thought the they were goofy as anything but over repeated cable viewings of the movie I grew to love the band, this might still be my favorite song of theirs. I'm looking through the YouTube Comments and it looks like a ton of people had the same exposure and they hated doing it! They sure got a lot of fans for it.
My neighbors used to crank Kraftwerk when I was a kid and the whole block could hear it. How could you not fall in love with "We are the Robots." This is broken up in 19 parts