I need help with my cassette deck

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by TreezZ, May 24, 2023.

  1. TreezZ

    TreezZ Member

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    Hello everyone!

    I finally managed to get my first cassette deck. It's a Dual CC 5050 I got from my dad. It's a 3 head, 2 motor, single capstan model from around 1987. But it's got problems, which makes it currently unusable, despite being near mint externally.

    When I put a cassette on it, I can fast forward and rewind the cassette, but when I hit play, it doesnt do anything, just a noise like its sttuggling and then nothing. I cant forward or rewind again after I hit play unless I turn it off and back on. I believe when I hit play, the capstan and pinch roller are trying to move, but the take up reels refuse to move, so it stops for security.

    I'll include a link to a video (be advised, it'll download automatically as soon as you click the link) with the issue. I'd appreciate any feedback in determining what the issue might be, and if it's easily fixable. Thank you


  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    Sound like the capstan belt is gone in it. The 2 motor decks work the following:
    - there one motor that drives the reels which is usually couples via gears;
    - the is a bigger capstan motor that drives the mechanism through its various states, engaging/disengaging the head carriage etc and also drives the capstan;

    The engaging and disengaging of the head assy is triggered by a solenoid, which engages a gear to the flywheel. Then it is up to the main capstan motor to rotate that gear.
    But of course if there is no belt to drive the flywheel, the capstan motor will freely rotate, not engaging anything.
    You can look here at the mechanism to get an idea: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_emssR6VgOQ

    The REW and FF functions are done by just rotating the reel motor in one direction or the other as there is a clutch on it which moves an entire gear assembly to drive either the takeup reel or supply reel.
    This explains why FF and REW work perfectly but there is no play.

    As for the belt itself, I looked on https://webspareparts.com/ (which sell flat belt for decks) but could not find one specific for this device.
    I suggest looking on ebay and contacting webspareparts to ask if there is another model which has the same belt (maybe they have it, just not listed as CC5050).
    EDIT: DeckTech has flat 4mm belts by dimension here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/324631493695

    Last, but not least: I don't like how the motor sounds. Recommend lubricating its top bearing with watch oil before re-assemblying the unit.

    The unit is easily fixable as long as you find the right belt for it. In the end you can find it by dimension if you can't find it by model.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
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  3. TreezZ

    TreezZ Member

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    Thank you for replying! Your answer was incredibly useful. I just have two questions:

    -How do I determine what's the correct belt size I need?
    -Would it be better if I just sent it for a professional for repairs? How much would they charge me? I know prices vary from store to store, but just to get an idea if I'm overpaying or not?

    Thank you again :)

  4. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    For determining the belt's dimensions you have 2 options:
    - buy a pack of cheap Chinese belts, see which one will fit and then measure that belt. Having a pack of such belts is handy, even if they're too bad too be used for good.
    - use a thin string and wrap it around the flywheel, motor pulley and any other pulley in the belt path. Tighten it down with a knot, take it out and measure it.
    On the second method it's hard to measure the inner diameter, so you're better off measuring the folded length.
    DeckTech offers a table with both dimensions but you can also convert it yourself.

    In regard to the repair itself, it really depends on what your repair skills are.
    The job itself is simple and straight-forward for someone who did cassette machines repairs, but may prove a bit difficult for someone who never done similar things before.

    If a partifcular repair guy/shop is truly a professional then it's worth paying if they're asking a reasonable price.
    Consider that this job will take about an hour for someone experienced (including lubrication), so if we are to consider 50euros/hour wage (a random figure) it shouldn't cost more than let's say 70-80 euros including parts.
    I would like to see not just the belt replaced but a clean of old grease, re-lubrication in certain key points, replacing the pinch rollers if necessary etc.
    There are guys out there who will put a cheap belt in your deck, call it a day and charge you 100 euros for that. Then you will wonder why you have very high wow&flutter.
    In which case it's not worth paying 100euros for a 10 minute job, especially given the belt won't be good quality and other things which need to be done won't be done.
    So obviously I can't draw any generic conclusion, it will depend on the paricular shop.

    For example, when I service cassette recorders/decks/walkmans I will never do just a belt replacement as it's simply not worth it for the customer.
    Rather I offer a more complete service including servicing the entire mechanism, replacing all rubber parts and even calibration of the electronics.
    Apart from this, I always thoroughly examine all parts. So if a head has wear and needs lapping that will also be done.
    If capacitors measure outside specification those will also get replaced. Typically caps don't need replacement, but there are cases when they do.

    Feel free to ask any more questions you have.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
  5. TreezZ

    TreezZ Member

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    I have never done any repairs of this kind, as this is my first cassette deck. I think I'll try to send it for repairs on a local store, and send my turntable while I'm at it. I'm definitely gonna call them to see how much the service will cost, and if it's around the price you just said, I might move forward with it :)

    Thank you once again for the detailed answer! I'll ask here again in case I have any questions, and I'll provide updates if I get any.

  6. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    If you never done repairs of this kind, then sending it to a professional is the way to go for sure.
    Ask for the motor top bearing and capstan bearing to be lubricated as well when replacing the belt, as these are super easy to lubricate and kind of necessary.

    Don't quote me on the prices, I stated those were random numbers, the point was how to calculate a ballpark figure. Real prices can be higher or lower depending on the particular shop.

    Please post the dimension of the belt when you will know it, so others needing this information can find it easily.
    Also, if you're happy about the repair shop you go to, it's a good idea to share their name so other people in your country can go to them as well.

    Btw, you do not need to quote previous messages as you are adding redundant information, making the post longer without any reason.
    Quotes are usually done when either you quote an older post or you quote just a small part of the previous post like a particular sentence you want to respond to.
  7. TreezZ

    TreezZ Member

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    Oh, sorry then. It's just that when I hit reply, it automatically adds your reply as a quote. But I'll stop doing that.

    And dont worry, I'll post all the info concerning my deck as soon as I find out :)

    Thank you again!
  8. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I now realise this is what many others do. You need to just write in the box below the last post and hit "Post Reply". This way it won't quote anything.
    I never used the "Reply" button myself hence why having the impression other people don't use it either.
    When I want to quote I use the "Quote" button then "Insert quote" and edit the quote if I want to quote just a part of it.
    Dfcruiser likes this.
  9. Dfcruiser

    Dfcruiser Active Member

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    Columbia SC
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