UPDATE: the final files are here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5498911/files if you wish to make your own Hi! I would like to make a replica of the strap "buckle" for the Sony D6C that could be used with a generic camera strap. I started modelling just on pictures but to make a better job would need help from someone here that owns the original. I need some pictures and measurements. Front back and the side, somewhat straight from the top, maybe done on a scanner if you have one and the measurements in the picture. When I'm done I will share here the 3d models. Thanks!
I am a bit strapped for time at the moment, but when I get some time and if you still don’t have what you need I’ll try and get you the info you need.
Thanks, I'm not in a hurry, I can probably make a working one just from the picture, but I think it would be worth to make it as fateful to the original as possible.
Using vernier callipers below are what I got. I ignored i, I and h as not sure what you are after. I also added the lug on the D6C, that the clip clips onto. A = 35.71mm B = 14.88mm C = 7.95mm D = 4.53mm E = 6.01mm F = 4.92mm G = 3.95mm Top half of the Lug on the D6C = 7.06mm Bottom half of the Lug on the D6C = 3.98mm
Thank you both soo much, I'll make some prototypes ad report back. It may not be something that anybody can print on a filament printer, it's too small, but it should come out quite well on a resin printer. Worse case it should be printed with laser sintering on shapeways and there it would cost around 50€ with shipping for a kit two, not cheap, but still less than 299plus shipping on eBay...
That's a more honest price, didn't come across one for "so little" yet. I have a resin printer at work so I can print it with that for free and maybe print a few more if anyone here wants one. Not sure how much would a 3d printing shop charge for it, likely less than shapeways.
A first version is done, it might need some more iterations and tweaking, but for now it's uploaded here. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5498911/files
Here is the final product; I think doesn't look half bad, will see if the resin is strong enough! all files are here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5498911/files
Yes, it’s printed with a resin printer, then some sanding is required to touch up here and there and a coat of paint.
I realize this thread is now almost a year old, but as the new owner of a strapless D6C (as well as a D3 with a perfectly fine original strap), I was wondering if anyone here had followed in gmac34's footsteps and made some strap ends? I'd be delighted buy a pair--or, for that matter, even an original strap at a reasonably price. For what it's worth, I've tried to hunt down rumors and locate the exact models of Sony discmans and DAT WMs that are said to use the same proprietary ends, but can find no trace of either (indeed only the TCD-D10 appears to have a similar lug on each side but they seem a bit larger and the strap end a bit different). Any advice or help would be more than appreciated.
I looked at my shelf queens and don't see another model with similar pins except for the Marantz/Superscope PMD Line. I wonder if Sony copied them since the M/S are older. The Sony pin is slightly different so you can't use the Marantz/Superscope Straps on the Sony.