Beware of seller from Yahoo Auctions Japan - j2h00023

Discussion in 'Auctions and classifieds' started by Raul, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. Raul

    Raul Active Member

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    This seller has 1178 only positive comments, he supossedly service walkmans and he does everything (from the description it seems so).
    Yesterday I've got Sony WM503 from him, and tested it.
    It plays tapes, and seems that it play well.
    Autoreverse is not working at all (on description he states it's working), and rewind and fast forward 'squeaks' and stops. I've shown this to Valentin, and he was quite shocked too.
    I will add some videos (probably on Monday as I have busy weekend) as a proof.
    He usually sells walkmans that are from WM501 , WM101/202 or WM109 family.
    You will know it's him as he pretty much wrote a loooong description of what he serviced and why.
    Valentin likes this.
  2. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    send it back lad:banghead:
    trs, Cassette2go and Raul like this.
  3. Raul

    Raul Active Member

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    You know, I asked Zenmarket and they've wrote that they must ask seller if he agree to take it back. So it's not like ebay that I can easily sent back and get refund. I will surely update this thread what happend next. I justbwanted to let other people know, that this seller isn't telling the truth (nothing new?), but on YA Japan thisnis the first time for me that seller supposedly service walkmans, have so many positives and in the end he sent it in horrible state. I've got better warking walkmans from YA Japan that were 'junk'.
  4. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    something i learned raul, you can actually buy positive reviews now. in other words you just cant trust people like you could before lad
    Raul likes this.
  5. Raul

    Raul Active Member

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    Here is 'serviced' WM503 :
    Autireverse problem:

    Winding problem:

    After talking with Zenmarket, they wrote that seller response was: it was broken in transport.

    I saw the package, it was in great shape, and there was a lot of foam and bubbles inside. There was no chance to break it.

    Zenmarket wrote, that seller has only positive opinions so all is ok, they won't do anything (like block buying from him).

    From now on, I suggest people to buy walkmans only with having on mind that state of it is broken and will need service WHATEVER seller wrote in description.
    And on YA you can write anything and get away (on ebay at least you will get money back).

    For strange reason this videos don't work in Firefox for Android, but works in Brave (so should work in Chrome).
  6. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    i assume everything is broken on ebay before buying it Raul lad. i have lost thousands through ebay and the forums lad.....perfect example i sold most of my boxes to a member and he said they were all broken rubbish, so it can work both ways and i have lost what i thought was a good friend for the past 20 years...........anyway i have now lost ebay so my buying days are over but i can get someone to buy small things and i'm finished buying boxes anyway so it's ebays loss not mine lad as i couldn't care less. most of it is way over priced junk anyway lad lol
    trs and Raul like this.
  7. Raul

    Raul Active Member

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    Yes, you are right. Trust and truth is scare in todays World. It is so sad.
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  8. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    not only that lad. by the time the parcel companies have finished with the parcel your doomed bro......tell ya something since i have lost ebay i actually have some win:wavey:
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
    trs likes this.
  9. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I have a couple of suggestions to add in regard to this so people reading this thread are less likely to get scammed:

    1. Pay careful atttention to the item description and compare it to other items the seller has to offer.
    - are all descriptions a copy/paste of one another ? If yes, that's a red flag. Unless it's the same device, I would expect a different description and different repairs done.
    - does the description make sense ? Meaning are the problems seller is mentioning common problems on that device or just random stuff that sounds nice ?
    For example in this particular walkman's description it was stated that a 440Hz test tape was used to adjust the tape speed, while in reality tape speed is adjusted with a 3kHz or 3.15kHz test tape.
    This is a hint that the seller may not know what they're talking about.

    2. Think seriously if the price seller is asking is worth even if the device is not actually serviced.
    - is the cosmetic condition good enough to justify the price ?
    - is there battery leakeage ?

    3. Pay attention to how relevant the description is
    - Is the description to the point or it is a very long description sounding like a marketing campaign newsletter ?
    In this case the description was way too long and contained a lot of irrelevant information in regard to the history of this walkman, how rare it supposedly is etc.
    - Check if there is a match between pictures and description
    If seller states new pinch rollers were installed, do those look new in the pictures ? Etc.

    Unfortunately 100% positive feedback is not a gurantee the seller is honest. I gave a similar example with seller tunosau from ebay which also has 100% positive.
    Of course that doesn't mean feedback is irrelevant (cause it is very much relevant), but it should not be the only factor by which a buyer judges a seller.

    On Yahoo Auctions, if a seller sells mostly through proxies like Buyee or ZenMarket he will receive just positive feedback from those proxies as it's their interest to keep buying from them.
    So on YAJ the feedback is less relevant than on ebay for example because many positives are received by default without actually doing anything special.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
    trs, Raul, Radio Raheem and 1 other person like this.

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