FISHER CR-W890: the Spaceship from Sanyo

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by Retro Audio Museum, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. Retro Audio Museum

    Retro Audio Museum Well-Known Member

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    The Netherlands
    Fisher introduced this cassette deck in November 1986 through an article in Audio, a German magazine that focused on the 890 audio system. The 890 audio tower is a separate matter altogether. As for the CR-W890, I believe Fisher's cassette decks and cassette recorders are still underappreciated. Fisher, a subsidiary of Sanyo, functioned as a distinct marketing tool that enabled Sanyo to experiment with unique technical decisions without jeopardizing the main brand.


    Let's talk about the FISHER CR-W890, which is a double reverse stereo cassette deck marketed as a "Studio Standard."

    While it boasts six motors, the deck's specifications indicate that it falls short of being Hi-End, with a frequency response of only 40Hz to 15,000Hz on the metal tape, a wow and flutter level of 0.06%, and a distortion of 1.2%. However, each cassette tape drive comprises three motors: one for the capstan, a second for the idler (FF/Rewind), and a third for the head unit operation. It is worth noting that Denon played a crucial role in the development of this deck model.

    This cassette deck has an extremely amazing design with a unique "piano style". Similar-looking JVC and AIWA cassette decks may be found at our Retro Audio Museum, but the Fisher cassette deck is truly unique—it resembles a spaceship!

    The FISHER CR-W890 is distinguished by its multicolored, shimmering levels indication, four-segment tape counter, and an array of various buttons. Arguably, it is the most elegantly styled "piano-style" cassette deck ever produced.
    walkman archive and Radio Raheem like this.
  2. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    i have the aiwa deck like this very nice sunshine:wink2
    Retro Audio Museum likes this.
  3. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Very nice, although I prefer the AIWAs.
    Retro Audio Museum likes this.
  4. Jamestech1965

    Jamestech1965 New Member

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    I bought this deck years ago at Crazy Eddie's for a crazy blowout price since it was discontinued.
    It may look pretty but it really was nothing special as far as cassette decks go.
    The left deck would jam constantly. It would always come back from warranty repairs in the same condition and I suspect they really didn't repair anything since it was such a complex machine.
    I wound up selling it awhile ago because I just didn't like it.
    I have/had many tape decks but this one was one of the worst. Sanyo did have innovative designs for that time but they just couldn't get the quality right.
    Retro Audio Museum likes this.

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