Mix tape exchange?

Discussion in 'Cassettes & Mixtape exchange' started by TooCooL4, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Great. I'll have some free time soon after very busy months... :thumbsup:
  2. subcode

    subcode New Member

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    I'm also interested for mixtape/mixMD trading...
    I mostly listen to rock/pop/electronic
    My Cassette/MiniDisc recording equipment:

    TEAC V-6030S, Sony TC-KE600S, DENON UDR-F88, Sony MDS-JB980, Sony MZ-R900

    I also love recordings from analogue equipment... I enjoy vinyl records, so i own a Technics SL-1200MK2 with an AT-150mlx Cartridge that i can use for recording mixtapes :thumbsup:
    walkman archive likes this.
  3. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    You are so right. Took me a while before I finally found the type of tape my JVC liked. So from now on it's Maxell XLII 90 minute. Makes beautiful recordings on those.
  4. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Some free time now. Finally I recorded a Maxell XL-II for Toocool with some rock/blues in one side and 'mid timing' (not sure if I explain myself well) alternative rock on the other.
    I first thought to go for vinyl all the way but knowing a bit Chris knowledge I prefer to not to use my vinyl as probably he knows 50% of the songs and went for something more recent and personal.
    Finally I used my computer as source as many of the songs I don't have them in CD, but only in my Spotify premium account. Not an uncompressed source but with around 320kbps and my ARCAM irDAC it sounded pretty good.
    I recorded it in my Technics B965 heavily modified by Alex from ANT Audio and monitorized it while recording to be sure it was perfect.

    [GALLERY=media, 176]Technics Deck RS-B965M by walkman archive posted Dec 11, 2016 at 7:35 PM[/GALLERY]

    I'll send it today, Chris. Can't wait to receive yours :reelspin: :headphones:
  5. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    For you I recorded the music I am enjoying at the moment. So you got one album and some other tracks from 12” and others from LP's. I did the recording on TDK SA90 with Dolby B as you requested. What I recorded is a surprise so you don’t know what you are getting till you get it, but if you are curious they are all from my library of music which you can browse here

    Everything came off vinyl. I used Acoustic Solid One to One turntable for playback and Nakamichi CR-7 for the recording.

    Your tape went in the post yesterday.

    Acoustic Solid One to One.jpg Nakamichi CR-7.jpg
    nickeccles likes this.
  6. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I can't wait to receive it and have a quiet listen. I'd like to use vinyl too but my tracklist would probably be... not so exciting and new music for you.
    But after this one we can exchange others of course :nodding:
  7. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I'm in for a rock/pop/electronic from the 80s. I can use 100% vinyl on this one...
  8. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    I have an Eclectic taste as you can see if you click on the link to my music library, so anything you would have sent to me would be okay. That is not all my music as i still have a load of music to enter into the library, i have just got a bit lazy lately so have not entered any more music.
  9. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Yesterday I received a mixtape from our friend Toocool.


    I gave it a first listen for only 10' because I couldn't have more time. But it sounds great. I can feel the vinyl and the sound is well balanced: bass, mids and treble.
    More on later

    Thanks Toocool!
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  10. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Cool i am happy you have the tape, let me know if you like the music?
  11. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I'm still in the very beggining of side A, because I couldn't have time to listen properly yet. Tomorrow I won't be able but on sunday I think I can do a full listen. I'll be updating. I hope you receive mine soon.
  12. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Ok, I did a full listen finally. I couldn't do an continuous listen throughout it because my kids interrupted me several times, but I could listen to it in almost silence.
    First I have to say that Chris went to full vinyl in this case and I can clearly feel it.
    The discs were very deeply cleaned only very few clicks and pops can be heard. The levels are almost perfect, barely going into the +3 zone for just peaks. I asked him to record with Dolby because that way I can hear the vinyl humble. As I can perfectly decode Dolby with my JVC Dolby decoder that is not a problem for me.

    To listen to it I used my Nak RX505:
    [GALLERY=media, 168]Nakamichi Deck RX-505E by walkman archive posted Dec 11, 2016 at 7:35 PM[/GALLERY]
    connected to the mentioned JVC dolby unit and then to my dbx 3BX-DS just to use the crossfeed (a system that simulates staying in front of a pair of speakers when you listen through headphones).
    The output was connected to my ALO The PanAm valve headphone amp and finally to my Sennheiser HD650, which I find impressively good for monitoring and testing.
    The music selected by him was (sorry I'm not very good putting styles to music) a mix of house and chill-out (am I right, Chris?). All electronic.
    At some moments it remembered my Cafe del Mar, which is music created by a DJ at Catalonia (where I live, Spain) and played especially in Ibiza and Mallorca islands. You can hear some here.
    The quality is overall excellent with excellent balance through the entire spectrum. The sharpnesswas very good, the background noise almost unhearable and the image as expected from such a high end gear., though at some moments I could hear clear distortions that I'm sure are due to the pressing. I have some vinyls that have this. As far as I know, that album was released on 1999 by Streetlife Originals and I know that most modern vinyl releases suffer from some issues like distortion or very high levels.
    The first listen I gave to it I was more into analyzing it rather than enjoying, but I enjoyed the listening, especially now that I'm giving it a 2nd listen with my Focal Elear, which to me is the definitive headphone for enjoying music.
    The part I enjoyed the most was the 2nd half of B side that included some mixed songs. The rythm was stronger (and that's definitely something I enjoy a lot) and made me move my head :headbang:
    So, chris, thanks a lot!! :boogie::music:
    Now looking for you to receive my tape ;-)
  13. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Hey Hugo
    Happy you have and are enjoying the tape. Your description of the music type is correct but not so much Café del Mar, I can see why you describe it as such.

    Thanks for your review of my recording, using the Focal Elear must have given you pleasure as that is some seriously nice headphone I am very jealous. If the Elear was close back I would love to have one, I only use headphones on the move hence close back design only for me.

    The occasional distortion you picked up may be from the cartridge, it needs replacing soon but at the moment too many other things to spend money on.
    When I am recording for other people on TDK SA I tend to keep the level at about +3 but recording for myself on TDK MA-XG I tend to push the level to +5

    Yes the second half of side b, I moved away from the album and used 12” singles that I am enjoying at the moment.
    I look forward to receiving your tape and the surprise choice of music that you have selected.
  14. Guilherme Andreas

    Guilherme Andreas New Member

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    I'm in! Let's listen to Brazilian Music?
  15. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Well, not the same as Cafe del mar but it has a touch IMHO.
    Yes the ELEAR are wonderful. I think it's the headphone I enjoy the most from my collection. The strong punch in the bass together with their excellent overall performance pushes de joy to a new level. I save them in its box while in working days and only get them out on weekend. I don't want to 'eat caviar everyday', you know what I mean? :ok
    I'm surprised that you say it's the cartridge where distortion comes from. Seems that the levels in the vinyl are a bit out of scale and then comes distortion, but you know your cartridge better than me... :scratch2:
    Anyway, an excellent performing turntable for sure. the cleanness of the sound and the overall response is excellent for sure. One of the best I've heard in tape. I don't have that particular album so I cannot do a direct comparison but I'd like to.
    There's a song in side B which has a very strong bass (I mean very very very strong), that also surprised me. I listened to it through the HD650 but I want to listen again with the ELEAR. I had to lower the bass about -4 dB at 60Hz in my EQ so it became more pleasant. All other songs were simply perfectly balanced.
    So I must say you have a perfectly balanced gear and your recordings are excellent.
  16. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    I am trying to think what track it is you are talking about, as most of the tracks on the second half of side are bass heavy. I wonder if the one you mean is Deadmau5 – Seeya ?

    Thanks for the complements :thumbsup:
  17. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I'm finishing the 2nd listen and the bass heavy is 'Miss Chang' by Chinese man. Indeed a curious mix of styles and voices: rap, chinese...
    I'm enjoying this tape a lot, even that electronic music is not the one I enjoy the most. I prefer music from rock bands with real instruments: battery, bass, rythm guitar, main guitar...
    But this compilation is very well made and better recorded. Bravo Chris!

    I think the song I like the most is I'll be there by Chic. It has a rythm I like a lot. It makes me shake my head :banana:
  18. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Okay i see Chinese Man cool. Yes that chic track is one they wrote but never released, but Nile Rodgers released it about 2 years ago as a tribute to the members that are no longer here.

    Got your tape today, i have not had a chance to listen to it yet.
  19. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Great. I'm curious to know what do you think. That one carries some rock inside...
  20. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    No one would like my music! :lollegs: :lollegs: :lollegs:

    I love everything though & have tons of 80's music, my mood of the current day influences what the music server or computer are loaded up with :wink:

    My Technics cassette deck is only set up to record directly from a CD player to make Boomer tapes :biggrin:

    I guess it depends on what people want to hear..............

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