Sony WM-DD33 problem...

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Rok, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Rok

    Rok New Member

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    I have a problem that I do not know how to solve and I would like to ask for help.

    Some time ago I found a well-preserved Sony WM-DD33, but unfortunately it did not work, despite everything I decided to buy it and repair it to have it for my small collection.

    I completely disassembled the Walkman, cleaned it, lubricated, replaced the main gear, capstan ring, replaced all the capacitors and slowly began to put it back together, where I encountered the problem.
    FF and REW work fine, the problem is with PLAY, which doesn't activate properly.

    When I looked into the matter, I realized that the problem was with the slider not activating properly.
    • The first picture shows the position of the slider when play is not activated.
    • In the second picture, play is activated and the slider is in the 'locked' position, where it is moved by the activation of the play button and the main gear.
    • In the third picture, you can see how the slider stops somewhere in between, which happens to me quite often. It looks like it gets stuck on the two yellow marked spots, but those spots are lubricated and also there is a space between slider and main gear, where the orange arrow points.
    If I give the slider a little help, the play activates normally and works ok, the current is also around 90mA. If the slider gets stuck in between, the engine stops after a few seconds.

    Maybe someone has an idea what might be the problem?
    Is it possible, that the problem is in the engine, as I see it, it 'gives up' pretty easily?



  2. Rok

    Rok New Member

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  3. Rok

    Rok New Member

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    Now I have another problem... with the speed.
    I followed the instructions in the manual.

    After removing the PLL bridge, I set the frequency to 3090Hz, but when I reconnect the PLL bridge, the measured frequency is about 2950 Hz, but it should be 3000 Hz.

    Can someone advise me what the problem is or what can I do, unfortunately I don't have an oscilloscope and I can't measure the values indicated in the manual.

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