Befriended a New Wave legend bc of Stereo2go!

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Jam_On_It, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    This is my second post after a 15 year absence from collecting.

    Crazy but true story.

    In 2009, I posted an innocent enough question on the original stereo2go site. "What is your favorite band to listen to on your boomboxes?" (not necessarily your favorite band, but the favorite to listen to on your radios).
    I answered first by naming Missing Persons as my favorite band to listen to on my boomboxes.

    Right away another member answered with "Oh, yeah! Dale Bozzio (lead singer) is a personal friend of our family. She was just at my folk's house". I don't remember his screen name, but I just went back through my old emails and the stereo2go member was JP. His last name starts with the letter A. (don't want to print his last name to respect his privacy).

    I sent him a PM saying that I had a rough go as a kid and Dale empowered me as a young person. She was so brash and confident, and over the top. Everything I wasn't and certainly couldn't be. I really took inspiration from her as a 13 year old boy. I even dyed my hair red and blue like her.

    JP said "that's a great story! Give me your phone number, I'll have Dale call you." I thought it was maybe some kind of joke. I gave him my phone number and forgot all about it. A few days later my cell phone rang and I answered it. It was freaking DALE BOZZIO! I was emotional and over-the-moon. We spoke for a good half hour. That night I was laying in bed with a grin so wide my face hurt. She asked for my address and a few days later a beautiful letter and autograph photos showed up.

    We wrote back and forth for months afterwards. When I moved out west I surprised her at a concert in California. I showed up with a huge bouquet of flowers and greeted her after the show. I was shocked that she remembered me so vividly. She gave me some damn fine life advice that night. She was speaking from a place of joy, pain, and experience. I will never forget it.

    JP - if you're still on here Brother, thank you for making an adult kid's dream come true.
    nickeccles, On The Beach and Mister X like this.
  2. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    I think there's a glitch in the Matrix. As I was writing the above post, I got an Apple Music alert that Missing Persons just released a new album "Live in Santa Clarita, CA - October 10, 1982". I'm headed there now to take a listen.
    The timing of the universe is weird lol.
    Mister X likes this.
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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  4. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    Funny you should mention the bra.
    Missing Persons was playing the Syria Mosque ballroom in Pittsburgh in ‘83. I begged my parents to take me. Somehow they found out Dale was wearing clear plexiglass bra’s on stage and that was the end of that. No Missing Person’s for me
    smeltedcheese and Mister X like this.
  5. On The Beach

    On The Beach Active Member

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    Amazing. And maybe a bit google creepy too.
    I just put YouTube on TV and a suggested video was Missing Persons - Words. I hadn’t heard this song for probably 20 years. Then while it’s playing I look on Stereo2Go and this thread pops up. What the

    Mister X likes this.
  6. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    I get the Google creepy thing. It happens a lot. If you look earlier in this thread, I was writing about my experience with Dale and I got an Apple Music alert that Missing Persons just released a love album from a CA concert in 1982. BTW - I listened to the entire album and it’s GREAT. I bought the CD (last CD I purchased was like 20 years ago lol)
    On The Beach likes this.
  7. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I've been getting a lot of very targeted ads in the last month, I feel like Skynet has taken over all my devices.....

    Words is a classic new wave song, it gets put on my mix CDs all the time.
    Jam_On_It likes this.

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