Hello, my name is Grae and I have been dipping in and out of stereo2go since 2007. I have been into HiFi from a very young age and still have my vintage Leak Stereo 20 that I had as a teenager (I'm 62 now!). I bought a Sony WM-2 brand new back in 1981, which I still have and love, but I am now looking to find a walkman with very good sound reproduction that I could also use with my current valve hifi to play tapes on, as the WM-2, although nice, it isn't great. I'm not sure exactly what I am looking for so I thought that I would join this community for some advice. So, I don't know if anyone here can recommend a personal cassette player that sounds great but doesn't break the bank. Many thanks, Grae
Welcome to Stereo2go Grae. Wow a Leak Stereo 20, that is going back a bit. I have heard of them, but never seen one in the flesh. You know Leak are back don’t you? I remember a friend having a WM-2 back in my school days, enjoyed borrowing that unit. If you want a Walkman to use at home with your Leak, I would say get a Sony WM-D6C. It’s big enough to use as a home deck, not sure on what price is breaking the back for you?
Thank you TooCooL. I didn't know that Leak are back in business. I've had my Stereo 20 for 47 years. It is currently at a specialist being restored so that I can give it to my daughter. They are cracking little amps with the right valves! I use a different valve amp in my home hifi. It was made by a friend of mine and uses a pair of 211 valves. It is an incredibly detailed amp. I also have a very nice valve cd player, a Bluenote Stibbert, which is also impressive. I swapped my old Nakamichi Dragon (the best tape deck that I have heard to date) for the Bluenote Stibbert as I wasn't really using the Nakamichi anymore. I don't regret the swap, it's just that I have had my WM-2 fully serviced and recomissioned and although it sounds nice through my valve amp, it isn't a patch on the old Nakamichi and nor would I expect it to be. It has however made me want to listen to some of my old tapes. I am considering a Sony WM-D6C and also a Aiwa HS-PC202 but wondered what else is out there that might be even better. I'm looking on spending up to around £500 but could stretch a bit more for something special, subject to sweet talking my wife!
If the Nakamichi Dragon is the best player you have heard to date, then I take it you have not heard a Nakamichi CR-7 then . With regard to small players, a lot of people rave on about the Sony TC-D5M; but I have to say I do not have any experience with the unit. Also there is a Marantz PMD?? not sure of the model number, it’s similar to the Sony TC-D5M; people rave on about that one too. Again I have no experience with it either.