Longstanding dislike for Sanyo. Please change my mind :)

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Jam_On_It, Aug 6, 2024.

  1. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    Those microcassette units are SWEET!!! Wow!
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  2. euroflash

    euroflash Member

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    I am also indifferent to Sanyo as a brand, but the M-X960K boombox model is the exception. There is something very slick and timeless about it in its design and the super-woofer feature is very forward-thinking.

  3. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Yes, but these are very finicky to operate without the cassette deck in Perfect working edition
  4. Lincoln Scott

    Lincoln Scott New Member

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    I would have to respectfully disagree that Sanyo was a low quality maker. Just like any brand they have had their moments of cutting corners and trying to increase profits but this is commonly seen on ALL makes when it comes to certain time periods. Ironically as a kid I related Sanyo as a cheap junky brand as by the 1990's and 2000's even though they did offer "higher end" products most common items were of cheap quality and were not expected or looked at as high quality but what brand didn't cheap out around the 90's!

    Even though Sanyo did offer items such as the SX-Z3000 speakers but this was at the very end of Sanyo making anything worthwhile that competed in the new "digital" era.

    I have had and still own many Sanyo products that were produced from the late 1970's to mid 1980's and I would put them up against any other brand or model of the same period. Take for example the JCX-2900K, this was and still is one of the best vintage amplifiers you can get but also known for a deep, warm sound. Just what suits your taste I suppose.

    I have had almost every model boombox Sanyo offered that was TOTL of the time and comparing them directly to other makes and models of similar class, Sanyo made damn good stereos. X960, X824, X720K, M9994, M9998, X920, C9, M9996, MR-P6, MR-F10, ETC. just to name a few. Being that National Panasonic helped Sanyo become a legitimate company in the very beginning I have found that quality of this period was closley matched between the two companies. However as the 1980's came to end they drifted further and further apart. Strange enough I have a full Sanyo "Presence 7" complete stereo system that was $2200 in 1987 and I absolutely love it. This was the end of true quality from Sanyo I believe.

    Then when looking at their portable items they made some of the best cassette players in the 80's and early 90's. I was lucky enough to get all of mine directly from Japan so it may be a case of getting better products as most Japanese company's offer better quality items only domestically. These models include Sanyo JJ-P1, JJ-11 Touch, M-G1, M-G3, JJ-P4, M-g38DT, JJ-R2, M-5550, JJ-22 Touch, JJ-P100, and a few others.

    Sanyo also had a very firm hold on chip making in the 1970's and 80's so they had an upper hand on making these products as you will also see many other companies using Sanyo chips in them to help achieve the desired sound or output they were looking for. Take the STK for example as it was ground breaking when it was developed and allowed many to produce better products.

    So in conclusion yes Sanyo after 1995 in my opinion really went full blown disposable make it as cheap as possible to only accomplish it's designed task and nothing more. BUT prior to this made some of the BEST items you could buy if they happened to suit your taste. Of which they have been my favorite brand for quite some time. They may not be for everyone but I think most folks have not or will not ever get to experience truly what Sanyo had to offer since most of these items fly under the radar.

    Fisher was a brand underneath Sanyo but I have found Fisher is usually just a touch lower quality than Sanyo. OTTO was also a company under Sanyo but only for the domestic Japan market and made some VERY high quality items.

    I honeslty think most of these opionions are based off of what products the author was introduced to and what time period it was as I stated earlier, I initially thought Sanyo was ONLY cheap crap since I had only ever seen basically the very bottom end they had as Sanyo did have many budget oriented items so this is what most folks were introduced to. Boy did I have my eyes opened once I was shown a TOTL model they offered.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2024
    Mister X, Hyperscope and Cassette2go like this.
  5. Jam_On_It

    Jam_On_It Active Member

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    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Yes, I was only exposed to discount store Sanyo products. Stores like Kmart, Jamesway, and Gee Bee. In addition to Sany0 these stores carried Emerson, Magnavox, Sound Design and other low-end junk. GE if you were lucky. I never saw brands like Sony or Panasonic. The discount store Sanyo products were produced to the penny, and they looked and sounded that way.
    This thread opened my eyes to higher-end, quality Sanyo radios. Just the info I was looking for!
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  6. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    That was a timely post Lincoln Scott. Exactly. It often all depends on what years of production and what we as individuals were exposed to etc., Seems most or all of the top iconic legendary brands of audio gear have since vanished or atrophied away into utter rubbish.

    (Off topic: Similar parallels exist in many / most other areas too, like Japanese binoculars and telescope, optics and so on. Although a few happy examples of quality improving over the decades as compared to their earlier offerings come to mind: It was Fujinon "Polaris" binoculars from the late 1980's up to today and Nikon "Red Ring" Prostar's from that same time period up to today that set the new benchmark in porro prism binoculars worldwide. As a further aside, Nikon reasserted itself, on it's 100th anniversary in 2017, as the world leader in binoculars with the new legendary Nikon WX 7x50 and 10x50.)
    Mister X likes this.
  7. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    It's kind of like Hitachi, everyone says Hitachi sucks, is cheap, lightweight POS, etc, but that's only true from about 1982 on. From 1976-1981 they were at the absolute top in build quality. Stuff like the TRK-8800RM, TRK-9900, M1, and J2.
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  8. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I didn't know Panasonic and Sanyo had a relationship (back then), I thought they were both Japanese Powerhouses with a million consumer products like audio, video, kitchen appliances, rice makers and lots of other products. Hitachi (another huge powerhouse) even had a very popular messager (vibrator) back in the 80's.
    Cassette2go likes this.
  9. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Vibrators where did that come from? How do you know about that? Where is the emoji
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  10. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The Hitachi Magic Wand, great for sore shoulder muscles after lugging around a heavy boombox!

    Going back to the early 80's, it has a interesting story of people using it for purposes other than intended. Hitachi was "grossed out" and I think they sold off the very successful product.
    Cassette2go likes this.
  11. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I just picked up another Sanyo cuz I didn't have enough. The M9926, a mid-level boomer that looks like a classic no-frills midi. It's heavy, well built (but plain) and has music search, a pretty rare feature for lower boomers. While it has MIC in and SPEAKERS out, it doesn't have AUX.

    Check out this bad boy from the newspaper ad thread, what a freakin classic! It does kind of look like similar Sonys of the time.

    Hyperscope and Cassette2go like this.
  12. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Where is the 9926 ad? This is an ad for the 9994k model. Sanyo as he read it up close s. 94k
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  13. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    No ad for the 9926, there might be one in that thread. I just got one last week along with a minor rare grail, a model I don't think even you own!
  14. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I was just looking for anything on the M9926, it seems like it's kind of a rare model, no sighting here or BBX, off to the store for a B&B photo, stay tuned!
  15. Kiwinut

    Kiwinut Member

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    New Zealand
    I actually love my Sanyo portables(Walkman) the M4440(red)puts out an awesome sound. And it feels like quality too. M4430(white) M-g30(silver) IMG_3008.jpeg IMG_3006.png

    Cheers Kiwinut
    Mister X likes this.
  16. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    Only Sanyo I own
    With Sanyo CDP 12
    Sanyo Cdp.JPG Sanyo.jpg
  17. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I love the looks of those Sanyo CD Players, I've seen a few but they go silly money in the final minutes.
  18. Big_Paul

    Big_Paul Active Member

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    Manchester, UK
    My favourite looking Sanyo's have to be the Mx820, Mx920 and the 9994, the 7830 is quite interesting also, i almost bought one of them once, a guy offered me a Job Lot, sharp GF500, a Sharp GF7600 and that Sanyo 7830 for £50 on ebay but they all needed attention, and like a complete Mo'Ron i didn't buy them, i did buy a Sanyo mini M7950 on a flee market for £5 about 5 years ago and sold it for £30, as for other Sanyo's i can't leave out my little terrible sounding rascal, the M9818, if you want to hear the most terrible sounding box, Get one of those lol.. the power supply is 7.5v lol, takes 5x D cells
    Kiwinut and Cassette2go like this.
  19. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Well I have a 7950 completely repaired and a M7850K not repaired then a gf 3700 and then recently finished The Sony CF -1990 but I'm going to work on the Mono Sharp here's a picture.
    And I had the Sanyo m7830k and I sold them both the last one back in April of this year. I didn't like those models because I thought they were too heavy for the handle. They sounded okay but they're just too heavy.
    Kiwinut likes this.
  20. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    Here's a Sanyo 9600 JDM model 17239199780151646064030154614036.jpg
    And then way back in the back. It's just too damn hard to get to right now because this huge Panasonic rxc100 is in front of it and I just have no place to put it other than where it is right now because I haven't sold any boomboxes and I just don't have any room to put anything. But if you can see with my cell phone camera and I'll get a little flashlight. I have a Sanyo m9994k 17239200718038196622843594664951.jpg
    then I have the elusive 9994 and the 9994k model again 17239201684398884319214466654657.jpg
    And let me give you just a wide-angle shot of this room just so you can see them all. Of course you can't see the one behind the rxc100 17239202273615987966724594959040.jpg
    So find my email address. The one I've been talking about elsewhere and contact me
    Kiwinut likes this.

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