Hi, How do you carry cassettes with you? Do you stuff your pockets full of cassette cases, or do you just bring one cassette with you and listen to that all day long? I made a case out of hard paper able to hold two cassettes. It's about as thick as my Sony WM EX521 at its thickest. Does anyone know if any similar, but professional, thing exists?
I don't put them in a case. I just carry them raw if you will without the case. But if you need a case which I have lots of cases in this picture you can see six cases, three hard and three soft but they hold like 30 each I suppose you could do a Google search for cassette case holders containers. Whatever I don't I just stick them in my pocket with or without the case, preferably without the case because they take up less room that way and I can carry More cassettes that way.
I just carry 2 x cassettes in their cases, in my bag. That's all i need to cover my daily commute for the day.
If I need to carry several cassettes I would do it this way. Professionally here I can carry five all in one unit One cassette in each player and three in the bottom drawer lol
Oh that's great! It seems a bit big to bring on my daily commute with a full train lol. But I love the drawer underneath!
Well of carrying five cassettes is too much for you. Maybe you could try carrying four cassettes this way Two cassettes in the front. And two in the cassettes in the back. General Electric model number 3-6200a and yes it's for sale
If you just can't carry four cassettes, maybe two is your speed. One cassette in the front. And one in the back. General Electric 3-5283a is the model and yes it's for sale.