Sensible price for a Walkman DD33?

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Handheldgaming, Oct 29, 2024.

  1. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    One of my dd9s used to work a long time ago and I bought it and now it doesn't work and I can't remember which one it was but I have two of them and I really haven't put a battery in either one lately course. I have a lot of things. I haven't put a battery in it lately 1730313491693763797337966888839.jpg
    And then of course people may want to know what's still in the box. This is my $10,000 box of walkmans. I call it
    Okay it talked me into it one more picture of the room. 17303136680207563068389001907306.jpg
    I could get carried away and show more pictures, but I'll leave this here.
    Handheldgaming likes this.
  2. Handheldgaming

    Handheldgaming Member

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    Just returning to update on this topic.

    Wanted to say to all the folks that said, don't do it, it'll be broken.... you were all CORRECT! :loldiag:

    Not even just a slight click, but a god awful click. So bad the unit can't rewind, and clicks like crazy on Fast Forward. Also and this is pretty big, but it was advertised as "Good working condition", but it won't play a cassette for more than 3-5seconds before jamming up and the red power light going out.

    Also, for giggles, the seller didn't even remove the batteries. It was shipped to me with 2011 vintage Duracell's in it. They still worked and seemed in good condition. But even with new batteries it jams up after a couple of seconds. So probably not just a little crack but a massive gaping chasm of a crack.

    Anyway, I've kicked off the returns process. Buyer advertised as Returns not accepted, but we shall see... since the buyer protection is on my side (thankfully).
    Cassette2go likes this.
  3. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    If you like it and if the seller will give you partial refund so you pay less than £100 for it, take it and you can fix it by getting a replacement main gear.
    RTB, Handheldgaming and Cassette2go like this.
  4. Handheldgaming

    Handheldgaming Member

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    I'll put that to the seller. I've initially asked to return in on basis its not as described. I expect some push back because they listed as no returns (but buyer protection is there if I need it). How much under £100 do you think is reasonable?
  5. RTB

    RTB Member

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    Berkshire, UK
    Good shout
    There is a bloke on ebay offering to repair a DD33 centre gear in the UK for £80
    Given current asking prices on ebay for a fully working DD33, that could be a bargain.
  6. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Handheldgaming if you are happy with the cosmetics, what are you willing to pay for it, what I am willing to pay is not relevant.
    Fix your audio who is a member here is offering the main gear for €23.50, if you are willing to change the gear for yourself make an offer to the seller based on that.
  7. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    It's debatable if a cracked gear would fall under "For parts or not working" , since these units are actually producing sound even with a cracked gear.
    "For parts or not working" would be when a unit doesn't actually turn on, there is no sound, unit is very badly corroded, etc. But 90%+ of DDs will likely fall under the "Used" category.
    Given "Seller refurbished" is no longer applicable to consumer electronics, both a fully restored unit and one that has not been touched will fall under the same "Used". So that alone can be misleading.

    If a DD walkman (exceptions listed at NOTE1 in thread linked below) is not specifically described as refurbished/center gear replaced, one should assume it hasn't been done.
    There are very rare situations where the original gear is still intact, but this is so unlikely one shouldn't really consider this possibility.
    Not all sellers will admit the unit actually has a problem, many will try to hide it as despite this is a well known issue, vast majority of people still don't know about it.

    Here is a DD buyer's guide I have written, which includes all the common problems:
    In my opinion it all comes down to price. If a unit is cheap(er) and takes into account fact it will need further work it's all fine.
    Cassette2go likes this.
  8. Handheldgaming

    Handheldgaming Member

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    This particular unit doesn't play or rewind. Well it does play but only for 3-5 seconds before jamming up.

    I asked the seller for return/refund. They were actually happy with that. Suggesting it must have got damaged in transit. Seems unlikely but perhaps the broken gear was exacerbated during transit.

    I literally had a DD33 for an evening. . Tested it, realised it was a lost cause and requested return within 2hours.
    Cassette2go likes this.
  9. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    In this particular case it should have been listed as "For parts or not working" indeed, my statement was generic.
    But it doesn't matter, fact gear is broken should be mentioned in the description, regardless of listing type.
    Even if FF/REW and PLAY were working, seller should still mention there's a click click sound regardless if he knows what causes it or not.

    One should assume any center gear type mechanism DD will need a service regardless of description/listing type, unless item is sold as serviced.
    If you want a fully working unit and don't want / have the skills to restore it yourself, my reocmmendation is to look for a seller that lists refurbished units.

    As a sidenote, there's no need to quote previous messages. Instead of using Reply button (which quoute automatically), you can type in the box below and press "Post Reply".
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2024
    Cassette2go likes this.

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