sony wm-701c dead channel diagnosing

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Squiggly, Nov 22, 2024.

  1. Squiggly

    Squiggly Member

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    heyo finally got a 701c after wanting one since i was like 15 or so, anyways i got it cleaned out, oiled the capstan bearings, new belt and rollers. though when trying it with the og remote and earbuds it seems either one channel is dead or one of the earbuds is dead. this remote is a bit of a stranger to me and i was wondering if theres a way to test for a dead bud without having to tear the remote apart or ordering an adapter. tried the usual headphones test (channels and ground on the pins) but guess i shoulda figured it wouldnt work with the remote there
    if not ill order an adapter,but i would rather not bank on it since ive had like 2-3 packages stolen in the last 3 months (luckily only amazon ones so far)

    anywho thanks in advance, good news or bad
  2. Squiggly

    Squiggly Member

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    oh also forgot to mention, might be maybe not important to note when sliding the volume slider on the remote to max volume the right earbud starts cutting out (might just be cos one earbud is dead, im not sure)
    im no headphones expert so if that does mean something its beyond me
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2024
  3. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    It's more likely to have a dead earbud than a dead channel in my opinion.
    Fact right earbud starts cutting out close to max volume can be an indication volume potentiometer needs cleaning.

    One test you can do is measure the resistance of the voicecoils: R and L to common with remote volume turned to max.
    Cleaning both the walkman and remote potentiometers would give a good starting point.

    Would suggest getting the adapter since this way you can test another pair of headphones and know for sure where the issue is.
    Besides, while the 701C earbuds are pretty good for what they are, modern headphones/IEMs are so much better.
  4. Squiggly

    Squiggly Member

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    this is pretty much what i was thinking aswell, since it doesnt use electrolytics and its pretty unlikely it somehow had a damaged ribbon cable or chip etc on the board its prolly the headphones. but preferable over having to tear the 701c apart tbh

    -and yes GOOD modern headphones are a lot better than these ha, i still need to get some sennheisers since currently my best headphones are the mdr-w5's from my wm-7. i could work on replacing the cables of the earbuds if they are broken to keep it as an original-ish working set if the driver isnt blown, though again not sure if its worth the hassle. anyways thanks for the advice valentin ig ill go ahead and order an aftermarket adapter tomorrow

    PS i did already clean out the volume pot on the 701c, didnt on the remote since it doesnt seem to have oxidation issues, audio goes up and down smoothly, ill clean it if i can find a safe way to open up the remote regardless though
  5. Squiggly

    Squiggly Member

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    ah yep just from prying at the sides it seems the remote is just held together with plastic clips, no rubber grommets attatched to the wire either on the second half (it looks like it on the earbuds at first glance, but its just a rubber sheath, wiggles around loosely inside of it) so i could be able to replace the second half of the cable pretty easily, though ofc thats banking on it being an issue with that half, and provided there isnt an issue with a component in the remote (though i doubt its much more than a sliding pot and 4 buttons). ill see if i cant get it working even if the buds are kinda mid
    also cleaned the pot on the remote just to see whatd happen, no longer cutting out it only drops in volume by around ~50% when i put it that high. also according to multimeter readout the earbud driver is good (was honestly hoping it wasnt, would have been easier to fix). seems im doing wire replacing
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2024

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