Remembrance Thread - Reno (Radio Raheem) - drop in and remember him

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Aug 23, 2024.

  1. Michiel

    Michiel Member S2G Supporter

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    Indeed very sad to see the Victor, knowing that RR isn’t with it. I’ve made the chrome tweeter surrounds for his Victor, because they didn’t look nice when he got it years ago from Asia. They were the only ones I made (with a lasercutter), specially for him. Because he was such a nice guy. He never stopped reminding me how happy he was with them and the looks of his Victor. He was a very grateful person.
  2. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    I was very curious what happened to his collection of expensive audio gear... all taken away / stolen by the social workers or Council people? Surely someone would have Googled the models of a few of these boomboxes and reeled at their value... not to mention all the other stuff. I wonder if the neighbours saw the coming or going of any of it? A grim reminder of what will happen to all of our stuff too one day..
    Cassette2go likes this.
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    As Erasure sang It Doesn't Have to Be That Way.

    I have posted this before but will post it here. Remove the word phone and it is extremely relevant.
    Passing on your Phone Collection discussion ... (

    I think I joined the forum shortly after Litfan (R.I.P.) died but from what I have read I think he would have been very pleased with the way his collection was dealt with. People seem proud to own boxes once owned by Litfan.

    Being in a Amateur (Ham) radio club full of aging members we have had to deal with "Silent Key" sales on quite a few occasions. Sometimes the silent key isn't even a club member. We get contacted by widows for advice on how to sell equipment and sometimes come to an arrangement to do it. A memorable time, which did involve a club member, was when it took four people with cars four evenings to empty a guys garage which was stacked with layers of WWII vintage radio gear. None of it was in good condition but we took it all to the next Amateur Radio sale. Nothing sold for more than £30 but we raised £900 for his widow who was delighted and a several £hundreds for the club. On a personal note I use what was his calculator most days at work. R.I.P. Fred.

    If none of those ideas work for you:

    Pick the right Charity Shop / Thift Store. The "Chinese Cheap and Cheerful" sets in my late Fathers collection which I didn't think were worth selling on eBay went to the local one. On one drop off they told me "We sell some of these on eBay because we get more money there". TBH I didn't mind as it was them having to pack and post them.

    At worse specify that a house clearance company is used. The people who run them aren't fools and the items will make their way back to the market.

    Something to think about if you are writing a will. I wish my Father had specified what do do with his toy collection, but like to think I did the right thing.
  4. deech

    deech Well-Known Member

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    Athens , Greece
    I have just read that Reno has passed.. He was genuine and always expressed his opinion about things in his unique way! A very good friend of mine.
    Its a sad day for me today. He will be greatly missed. What a character..
  5. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Yea, it really slowed down around here without him, he had an opinion on everything and always seemed to be up when I was online.
    deech likes this.

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