Hello, Best wishes for 2018 everyone !!! Last year I bought an Aiwa HS-G09 and the auto reverse mechanism didn't work. So BIG thanks to user @AiwaDude, who helped me to fix that. The auto reverse works as it should now. ( look here for the thread on fixing the auto reverse http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/aiwa-hs-g09-autoreverse-eats-tape.1767/ ) But now I'm facing a different problem. When the auto reverse does it's thing, or I change the direction while playing, it plays the audio of the other side in chipmunk style. If I then switch back to the other side the audio is at normal speed. Also curious is that I don't seem to see any difference in speed when watching the transport wheels turn, but nevertheless I hear a huge speed difference ( pretty weird if you ask me ) I hope the experts here have some insight in this problem. I've tried to find someone with a similar problem through, while searching on the forum and with google search, but no luck. I've read that you can adjust the speed of a walkman by turning a screw on the pcb somehow, but I don't think that's the solution, because if you change the speed, it's the speed of all directions, right ? I hope I'm wrong and you can change the speed per side, but that's probably wishful thinking. So it's probably an issue with the pcb then ? Can anyone help me with this ? I thank the experts in advance. Greetings, Soxbrother
Hello Soxbrother, It seems mechanical, like something prevents the pinch roller (not engaging) , of the side with the problem, to contact with the capstan axle (with the tape between them).
pinch roller and capstan work as far as I can see. If the capstan didn't work, then the tape wouldn't get pulled back on the tape and the tape would get eaten by the player, right ? Maybe there's some type of switch on the pcb that's malfunctioning ? I know of one switch that's on the pcb and that works if the auto reverse is engaged, the switch determines the playback direction. ( Before the auto reverse didn't work, so it played the audio backwards, because the switch wasn't engaged ) Maybe there's a problem with that switch ? Some bad connection that makes the audio behave that way ? If it was a belt problem, wouldn't it not behave the same when auto reversing or changing direction ?
@Machaneus +1 I have exactly the same problem with Panas RQ-SX15, and it is because of a bad "reverse" pinchroller. Just exchange F and Reverse pinchrollers to see if yours is the same glitch. Back-tension is achieved by the reels, not pinchrollers, and if capstan/pinchroller do not "grab" the tape then pickup reel pulls the tape at chipmunk speed! Maybe capstan itself needs extra treatment with HCl acid: unlike cassette decks Walkmans pinchrollers are too narrow to Grab the tape
I heard the video on the other thread ,even if the pinch roller is moving (?) it seems it takes speed from touching the tape with no force on the capstan axle.
If it is a bad pinch roller, what can be done about it ? It's not like you can order pinch rollers anywhere. Only option is to buy another walkman and get the pinch roller from there ? So even if the pinch roller touches the capstan and turns, it can be bad ? I don't exactly now how to dismantle those pinch rollers, but I'll give it a try if it's not too dificult.
Sad but true! I bought another Panas as a donor but its pinchroller was different: RQ-S and RQ-SX models (but Not all of them!) have slightly different pinchrollers. Should have consulted with the folks here first. @mihokm mentioned that pinchrollers for Panasonics is on his to-do list, so I just wait...
So if it the pinch roller is too thin, can I maybe make it thicker by putting some tape around it ? Is there a test I can do so that I can be sure if it's indeed a bad pinch roller connection ? So this is how it's supposed to look then ?
Basically yes but this a generic photo (probably not from a walkman) that shows the principal of that function.The idea is the pinch roller to push the tape against the capstan shaft and make the tape to move at the rate of the very stable speed of the capstan. Note that the pressure from the pinch roller is specific ,must be not too much not too little.
Suddenly I've got a new problem. The "good" side doesn't turn well anymore. When I pull the pinch roller a bit back, the transport wheels turn normal. I've tried to adjust the pinch roller spring, but unsuccesful Here's the video https://flic.kr/p/21RcMgM I had one good side to play, now I have none.
I see both pinch rollers turning that doesn't seem right. As a friendly note ,please take your time and try to figure out how the various components interact.
I've noticed that too, the tape makes the left pinch roller turn, that's all. The left pinch roller is NOT in contact with the capstan FYI. This has never happened before. ( Tape not turning properly on good side ) I don't have a clue why it suddenly is like that. I've take the walkman back apart. And have removed the right pinch roller. No idea how to proceed next. Probably try to reduce the tension to perfection between capstan and pinch roller, by adjusting the spring, but how do I can only test if it's right by putting the walkman back together again. ( I've taken it apart because I didn't exactly know how to best remove the pinch roller ) So I could probably test it quicker the next time because I don't have to take the walkman apart.
Ok then ,clean the pinch rollers (again if you have already done it) not because they have dirt but to remove invisible grease they may have ,also use a 60min cassette for less stress and see if you notice any difference.
@Machaneus Ok, I'll try. Any ideas for the spring ? Because if I put it back now, it will be the same again. The spring is the solution for sure. No idea why the right pinch roller suddenly behaves that way. Anyway, thanks for the help so far. Would be stupid if it turns out to be low batteries, but that's not the case.
Anytime soxbrother. As a rule of thumb it is more likely the pinch rollers need to be replaced than something to be done with the springs. Can't exclude anything from here though. And yes always fresh batteries!
Took the player apart again. While a tape was in the walkman : The wheels didn't turn properly and sometimes wouldn't turn at all. Pulling the pinch roller back sometimes helped, but other times not. So I removed the pinch roller, that made it better but not all the way. When I remove the tapehead, the wheels turn close to normal. However without a tape inside. All of the functions seem to work and the wheels turn like they should. So now I took it apart again and removed the capstans and tried to maybe adjust the large white gear. Not sure why the player behaves the way it does. I also found a way to adjust the pinch roller's pressure, but in the end it didn't solve the bad turning wheels. Tomorrow I will try with new batteries.
Put it back together, all functions work without cassette inside. With cassette inside, can playback cassette, but it is chipmunk style. ( playback only possible when adjusting pressure of right side pinch roller.) FF, REW, change direction don't work with cassette inside. Best to give up and buy another player instead. One that WORKS !!! Pffffff. Update : I guess I spoke too soon, with a tape inside the tape doesn't turn, then switches to the other side and then the wheels turn. I think maybe when screwing the front back on, this is the outcome. It worked right before that if I recall correct. Here's a video without a tape in it : https://flic.kr/p/23gtDp6
I've read something from a member over at the Tapehead forums, which sounded very similar to the problem I'm having. Here you can read the probable solution : http://www.tapeheads.net/showpost.php?p=258832&postcount=7 He speaks of an idle tire, but I'm guessing that's similar to a belt ? And I'm guessing "reel hub" translates to transport wheel on a walkman ? I'm going to try if I can do the slip test, he's talking about.
Here's a video : https://flic.kr/p/FcEn1w I hope you can see it, but the motor is turning, when pressing FF and then REW (with a tape inside), but nothing else turns !! Without the tape, no problem whatsoever. A new belt then, or is there something else wrong ??