...Foam speaker port plugs! Hi all, I’m looking for some foam port plugs for my Dynaudio Emit M20s. They came with some but I can’t put my hands on them anywhere. Ideally, I’d the foam plugs that you can take the middle part out of. I want to reduce the air flow but not kill it completely. Any ideas where I could get any of these?
Carpet underlay wrapped into a spiral. That is what I have used in the past. How long it is will determine how big a hole you get in the middle.
I don't know if the type of foam makes a difference since my one set of speakers that use them only has the metal centers left. Search for "round foam backer rods" We use these in the construction industry for plugging holes and gaps, I can buy them locally from a coiled roll, by the foot, with different diameters. https://www.google.com/search?q=rou...CB0QBA&biw=1920&bih=1006#imgrc=rJVdXIG2whuzZM