Any Love For A Little Tosh??

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    So Wednesday this week I found myself visiting my dear friends Tim & his wife in Bristol, a fair old way for me but simply wonderful to see them again & I found out that I really can drive the distance & feel just fine

    It was also a great opurtunity to deliver to Tim his boxed & as new 1979 Sony CFS-D7 he bought from me last week featured right here on my facebook page & shared with all the groups I joined!

    Anyway we all had a great chat & I was delighted to see so many of Tims stero's - In fact I was green with envy when a minty Sanyo M9998 was produced from the next room, what a beauty & took me back to boarding school days & 1979 was so clear in my memory as I looked at this amazing machine! Love them & my favourite of the day!

    Tim then produced my old Toshiba RT-782S that he bought off me with many other stereo's & one of two I wished I had kept & remembering a previous telephone conversation, he let me take it home with me again! The boombox community does things like this but it still makes you so glad you are part of these crazy folk that collect & more importantly love these things more than most would ever know!!

    We did both agree that maybe the woofers were either rotting at edge or just tired after 35 years, so I knew it would need a looky at.....

    I recently bought another RT-S782 for hardly any money & it was as it turned out completely fucked both mechanism & amplifier had been "Got At" despite the seller trumpeting "It's Perfect Mate, just needs a clean"..........Well you get the pitcher!

    So Today:

    Strip down the one I brought back from Tims

    Remove the woofers, tweeters just fine so left them in

    Remove the cassette deck to see why there was no record function

    Clean all switches with Serviceoil while it was all apart!!

    Simply replace the woofers with the visibly much better one from the doner machine

    Change the steel record bar that seemed to have suffered metal fatigue & simply fell apart on touching - The doner machine's bar was fine & fitted in seconds

    I rebelted this back in December 2015 & simce it had seen very little use, there was no need to change the belts - In fact, the rewind/fast forward & play had really strong torque.........must have been repaired by an expert previously

    Quick test while the front was still off, everything just perfect & record function now working every time after rigorous checking :D
    All back together & the sound has been transformed! Sounds like I remember these sounding back in 1984!

    So another stero saved & will be used as I really like these models, they have some nice features, Dolby B, manual recording level with an Led meter & a subtle bass boost function that works really well!
    So, as expected it was the knackered spokers that let it down anywhere above a third of volume being turned up
    As usual there are too many images & 2 video's one of which demonstrates just how good the cassette decks in these are - Very stable & the bass is very nice from tape & radio.......

    Am glad I got this one back, Thanks Tim & we will do it again soon!!

    Images of the original rebelt/restore in December 2015 with today's spoker transplant here:!ANEYKw-3GKK-s3Q

    Et Viola:

    Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (1).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (2).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (3).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (4).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (5).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (6).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (7).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (8).jpg

  2. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Malibu, CA
    Beautiful job, as always!! and my favorite Co: 10-15 years ago lowly-tiny Toshiba boombox was the Beast which turned me onto cassettes and away from iPod docks!
    am I going blind?: on this photo "Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (5)" antennae tips (in ivory plastic) have a real strange shape
    nickeccles likes this.
  3. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    They do indeed have a strange shape & they push down onto small plastic pips, part of the rear case! They are horseshoe shaped!! Image a bit later
  4. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Lovely job Nick, i always wondered about these as the deck does look good
    nickeccles likes this.
  5. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Here are the peculiar antenna's on the RT-S782 - Never seen this idea before or since!!

    Toshiba RT-S782 Areials - July 2018 (2).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Areials - July 2018 (3).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Areials - July 2018 (4).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Areials - July 2018 (1).jpg

    Jorge likes this.
  6. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Great Story and this Tosh, Nick!! :thumbsup:
    nickeccles likes this.

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