Looking around the net, it seems there's not a lot of threads on Compact Cassettes, what a rabbit-hole of a topic. It would be nice to do the thread in a timeline format but that isn't possible. This thread will focus on cassette construction, manufacturing and duplication. We'll throw in reviews and other tidbits of info from the years cassettes dominated the world. Feel free to add anything! Don't worry about duplicates, some of these threads get long and no one cares. Home Studio Recording, 8/84
I will take a look, i have collected a couple of links - here first are my links to cataloged cassettes : http://www.c-90.org/catalogue/tapes https://ez647.sk/cc/audio.html https://www.45spaces.com/audio-compact-cassette-blank-tapes/ https://audiomax.pro/component/Cassette-tapes http://pureanalogue.su/index.php/en/catalogue/audio-cassettes http://agfabasf.com/catalog/tdk/ http://vintagecassettes.com/ https://st.museum-digital.de/index.php?t=listen&gesusa=492&instnr=2 https://audiochrome.blogspot.com/2020/12/index-to-cassette-tape-measurements.html http://www.thevintageknob.org/ https://www.zinsik.de/NOISELAB/Kassetten.html I hope, this fits. and i have some links to features, but they almost all in German. I will add these later.
Here are some other links : https://www.lowbeats.de/erstaunliche-wiederkehr-der-compact-cassette/ https://www.studerundrevox.de/info-wissenswert/wissenswert/die-compact-cassette/ https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Za...n-zur-Demokratisierung-der-Musik-4146463.html https://www.artusfilm.tv/postproduktion/archivsicherung/digitalisierung-ton/
Another website I just found https://cassette.tape.fan/ Just added this one, he's done the hard work and posted a ton of PDF Tape Reviews! There's also a lot of other good information and testing on this blog. https://audiochrome.blogspot.com/2020/12/index-to-cassette-tape-measurements.html New 05/11/24 https://tapetardis.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/the-type-iv-metal-audio-cassette/ 05/15/24 https://tapefan.exblog.jp/ 6/6/24 Raks Tapes old website, from Manisa Turkey and a great write-up on Vintagecassette.com, hit showroom to see the tapes. http://vintagecassettes.com/raks/raks.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20060709225034/http://www.rakselektronik.com.tr/index.htm 12/25/24 https://compactcassettes.jp/ 1/3/25 How can we forget Maxell? https://www.maxell.jp/consumer/ur.html
Feel free to post anything releted to cassette tapes! Don't worry about duplicates, these threads get long and nobody can keep track.
Penthouse checked it a little late, i mean. But the focus of the makers was probably somewhere else... ;-) By the way - interesting deck from JVC, it seems to be one of the few decks with cassette holder on right side. I an old crime TV-Series from the 70-s i`ve seen such a deck, must check, if it`s the same.
Stereo Review Tape Recording Guide 1979, I love the photos of the tape being made, my local friend that worked on 3M's Lines said when metal tape came out they had one guy whose only job was to sharpen the knives, on one end is a wide reel of media that is cut down to compact cassette width. If I had to guess, this was put on larger "pancakes" and that would be mounted on a tape loading machine.