very positive review. Might be worth getting a few. We now have 3 decent tapes from scratch instead of old stocks, although old stocks are sometimes cheaper. You can get used type 2 on eBay for less for example. Depends how fussy you are!
It's good that we are getting more competition and choices for new cassettes. It’s good for new people getting into cassettes and those without stockpile of cassettes. Since I have a stockpile of TDK MA-XG’s, SA’s, AR’s and more it does not apply to me.
I like his music, I'm doing paperwork and it's helping get some scans done. Here's the companies website, they're also selling reel to reel tapes. It's amazing these companies are stepping up, there's a lot of chance involved with such old technology. You really have to give them credit, I don't think they'll get rich off of it; they must have a love of the medium. Too bad they don't pop in on the forum to talk about their stuff, they have some nice accessories as well.