CD runs only when tilted - Panasonic RX-DT9

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by rupi99, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. rupi99

    rupi99 Active Member

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    I have a strange problem with my Panasoniy RX-DT9.
    When the device stands normal horizontal, then the CD starts to spin but does not play. If I skip some songs forward, then sometimes the music starts, but often is looping or even jumping back.
    But if I tilt the device a little bit, then the CD runs from the beginning to end without any problems.

    Here is a short video:

    Any idea, what could be the root cause? A wear out in spindle motor bearing?
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
    bronco and Jorge like this.
  2. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    YES! At least with Sony Discmans this is the first indication that spindle motor is worn to death: plays when at an angle but skips when level. How does it play when upside-down? Sometimes an over-eager fingers push CD platter further down the spindle. But, again, most probably it is the worn spindle motor.

    Cheap'n'Dirty temp fix would be a droplet of oil, applied with a needle/syringe onto motor shaft under the platter. If motor has hole(s) for the bottom bushing, then some oil goes there too:

    New motor (Mabuchi motors with different shaft lengths available from eBay, some even with a platter as this above) should fix the problem permanently. Contact me or on how-to: it is a bit tricky but not too difficult :)
    rupi99 and stuck-in-time like this.
  3. rupi99

    rupi99 Active Member

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    Hello Jorge,

    thank you very much for your advise. This is very helpfull.
    I will try at first the droplet of oil. But in any case I will order also a new motor as it is so cheap. The RX-DT9 is in any case worth to keep it running.
    Would contact you, if I need further help for motor replacing.

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