D6C level indicators leds stopped working

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by David O, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. David O

    David O New Member

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    My Sony wm D6c LEDs have stopped working on the battery and recording level indicator. Does anyone know where to start on undertaking a repair? I use this daily to record analogue distortion and collecting speech. I am a bit lost with out it and would like to try and undertake a repair if not too difficult. Everything else works fine. I am a bit surprised as this has been a work horse tank for the last ten years. It did have a minor repair 10 years ago and had a new opp amp fitted by a guy off this forum that was based in Chicago.

    Any help suggestions appreciated
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I probably can't help you but I took mine off the shelf and tried to get the meter to not work by playing with all the buttons. The only button that really makes a difference is the play/batt button under the indicator but there was always one bar lit (on AC) and I can't get it to turn off under any setting. I'd plug it into AC and DC and see if it lights with either of these. Otherwise before opening it up and checking the connections for the switch I'd spray some FaderLube (or DeOxit) in the switch to work out any corrosion. These are both from the same company, FaderLube is for sliding switches and DeOxit is for everything else. Read our old esteemed member Arkay's Sticky over at audiokarma on the proper use of DeOxit beforehand if you've never used it.

    Here's the service manual
    http://sportsbil.com/sony/WM/WM-D6C_TC-D6C service manual 1984.pdf

    Good Luck!

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