Hi all I know there's a couple of lists floating around but they're pretty generic and not necessarily comprehensive for someone with little knowledge like me. How about creating a sticky with pics of various discmen's internals, referencing the caps that often need replacement ? That way, Anybody would be able to spot the caps that need replacement at a glance. I own quite a few pcdp's and would very gladly post pics or send them to someone willing to create an xcel document or any type of file that would summarize the info. Just an idea you know. If such list already exists, i'm talking really accurate and precise one, then Sorry for wasting your time and please point it out for me. Cheers.
Solid idea!!! I spent the last few years updating MS Excel table of Discmans components, you can see it at my square-2.com homepage. Pointing out bad electrolytics it might be iffy: during recap not many folks check which ones actually got bad/leaked, vs. just phased out of 10% specs. And even if such memo is published - just when I knew that all 220uF/4V ((C408)) cap is totally BAD in all of 20+ Sony D-90 Discmans that I fixed before... I recently got one with a solid C408!?!... Which Discmans do you have? I fix all 1st Gen Discmans worth rejuvenation, but shipping across The Pond does not make any sense
Hey Jorge So far i got : D211 D311 D25 D99 D303 D35 D-J50 EJ-2000 Marantz pcd-520 Philips az6830 Technics XP-6 Technics XP-7 (no charger so can't repair or even test) Technics XP-1
I still think having some kind of visual guidance through pics/arrows pointing at the usual faulty caps would come in pretty handy for those like me with limited knowledge in electronics. What u think ?
That would be nice to have... but since most folks who figured out how to revive Discmans end up selling 'em on eBay, this is NOT going to happen... Marantz PCD-520: hope it is in good health?!?... Technics XP-7 and XP-5 are indestructible, your XP-7 is the Best-sounding Discman in your collection - Buy +6V/0V/-6V adapter for it!!! For the rest - in most cases it is not bad caps but frozen "middle gear" (D25), worn spindle motor (D35), busted diode (D-150) and dead laser which kills them And once revived and kicking, you have to re-calibrate them, otherwise they skip or won't play CD-R, this is when you have to invest into a decent oscilloscope... At least here in the States it is much cheaper (much-cheaper!!!) to send dead Discman to my friend Master Gu, aka Kaosun to get it fixed: this is what I do for my own Discmans collection. Over the years he shared a few tricks with me, and the worst headaches I am having when doing 'revivals' myself is when Discman got already 'fixed' by its previous owner: it is hard to believe but most folks do NOT know how to solder properly!!!!!