Am broken hearted!! Earlier this month my beautiful Orange Cat got hit by a car & managed to drag himself home.............His spine was broken & there was no hope of saving him - No use of back end at all, so took him to be put to sleep......... He loved to sit on many of my boomboxes & was such a character! Will miss him for a long time to come! Farewell Bouteille
Sorry to hear this sad news. We have seen many pictures of your beautiful cat sitting on or next to your Boomboxes
Oh I am so sorry It tears me up I have two now 15 year old cats and I understand what a loss you must feel
Aaah nick man - my heart goes out to you... It's very sad news - look after yourself and remember that grief is the other side of love I just love it when my cat sits on my hi-fi or uses a walkam as a pillow - It's good that you have some special photos of that ginger fella x
Oh hell, this thread struck me by surprise. Sorry to hear about your loss... In my time checking Stereo2Go I've seen photos of your cat and they were all so adorable! In a way he was like a mascot of this forum...