Hi everyone, This Philips boombox didn't have any electrical problems last I checked (there is YouTube video I uploaded in another thread of this unit). However it has 1 mechanical problem; the gear that is connected to the flywheel sadly broke and fell of. since the gear size is very standard, it's a simple fix. Other then that and the standard replacement of the roller, & belt, this unit is good to go. It's already wrapped and ready to ship, I just need to find it a good home, you just need to pay for shipping. PM me if you are interested.
hello im mr joe palmer from dyersburg tn usa and im very intrested in your philips boombox you have ill gladly take it no swet can you shipp it to me at joe palmer at 106 east tickle st dyersburg tennessee 38024 thanks and good day.
Mr. Palmer if you are willing to pay the shipping and import fee from Italy to the USA, then please send me a PM.