Hello from MSP. I was tipped off about this forum by a very well-respected founding member. I repair audio equipment as a hobby and professionally. My background is self-taught, so and not very well-taught at that. I have built the Music From Outer Space Ultimate and Ultimate Expander analog synthesizer and am active on the Muff Wigglers forum for synthesizers. My ham radio callsign is W0XO, and I specialize in self-built low power (QRP) gear using Morse Code exclusively. I have a really good oscilloscope but don't know much about how to use it. I enjoy digital audio editing and founded the DATHEADS2WAV Yahoo Group as well as DATHEADS forum on Facebook, which focuses on using audio-enabled DDS drives to transfer audio from DAT tapes to audio files online. I love travel, playing mandolin and guitar, and Marmite. My credo is, "If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly." I lived in Japan for a decade and love Akihabara. Cheers.
Welcome JCHaywire, You certainly have a lot of interests there. I tried to get a Synths thread going here but not much happened. http://www.stereo2go.com/forums/threads/do-you-have-any-synths.1419/ As you probably know there are a few Boomboxes that feature Casio type keyboards, as shown in this thread. http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/its-big-bad-and-busted-the-fisher-sc-300k.2254/ About 25 years ago I made a Transcendent 2000 Analogue Synth http://www.vintagesynth.com/misc/transcendent2000.php (etching the PCB myself as it was no longer available). Although I got it working I never got a Front Panel made and keep telling myself that will be a retirement project. I wonder if you go to Amateur Radio Rallies. I have picked up some bargains at them like a Yamaha DJX (great fun) for £10 and a Roland U20 for £12 although that has been waiting to be repaired for over two years. My day job gets in the way. Also quite a few Boomboxes and other gadgets. Finally. I was surprised at the Marmite comment. With a callsign like yours it should be OXO. Do you know there is an OXO Tower in London? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxo_Tower Longman AKA G0AHK