Hi folks, I`ve received today an ancient walkman directly from the 80´s,. Appart from the poor technical posibilites of that early 80s I like very much the "square" design that was very common during those years. In this case, this Grundig BB160 represents a walkman with interesting features including Autoreverse, metal tapes capability, and Dolby. I think that this unit has had a very litle utilisation as it is nearly inmaculate The problem is that this walkman is totally dead, no signs of live, no sounds from the motor, nothing I´ve opened the unit to have a look, because is quite easy: just 4 bolts and you have total access. I found the belt in bad condition as it is usual in a walkman made 40 years ago. but I can´t go further with any kind of diagnose. I´ll take this unit to be properly serviced Regards
I've came across this walkman a couple of times but didn't pay much attention mostly because of the boxy design and that it looked nothing really special. However, looking at the picture with cover removed, I notice some signs of very good build quality: metal flywheels, metal motor pulley. And after all, having an EQ selector and Dolby B NR are important features, as there are walkmans of that era which either don't have Dolby or don't even have EQ. And of course auto reverse, although I don't consider this one as important. Please share some impressions about it after it's fixed and, if the person doing the repair is willing to, more pictures of the inside.