Hello from Norway!

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by Kristomark, Oct 4, 2022.

  1. Kristomark

    Kristomark New Member

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    Being born i 94, I feel like I'm from one of the last generations to have used cassettes on a daily basis in my childhood. My first encounter with a cassette player was, as suits the name, Sony's My First Sony, model TPM 8050. I remember my grandfather recorded him telling fairytales on cassettes and sending it to us by mail, and we listened to them on the My First Sony. Good memories.

    Now, many years later, i suddenly have found the joy in cassette players and vintage hi fi. I've managed to get my hands on a few items;
    * Denon DR-M30HX
    * Sony WM-D6C
    * Sony WM-70
    * Sony WM-F100II
    * Sony WM-30
    * And a beautiful Aiwa HS -PC 202 (mk I, my favourite).

    Almost all of them needs repairs, except the D6C, luckily! I'm dreaming about one day being able to repair old cassette decks and Walkmans, but so far I've only managed to change belts on my Sony WM-70

    I've been lurking these forums for a while, and thought it was about time to make a profile. I'm from Norway, and it doesn't seem to be that many users from Norway on here. I'm looking forward to enjoying the discussions here.
    Rudy Rodriguez likes this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum, if you can work on the equipment you've won 1/2 the battle.
  3. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    welcome to S2G @Kristomark
    you got a good collection . If you were able to change the belt on MM-70 then you shouldn't have problem to do the same for WM-F100 and WM-30.
    I do not recommend you to touch your D6c. Send it to professionals to get restored appropriately.
    All of my HS -PC 202s are in good working condition and haven't opened any of them yet, So I dont know how easy or tough is to work on this unit.

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