Hi I'm here to learn

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by TedTheodoreLogan, Nov 7, 2019.

  1. TedTheodoreLogan

    TedTheodoreLogan New Member

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    I saw a recent mtv cribs style video featuring Mark Ronsons LA house, where he had this twin deck red sony cassette radio that he uses for parties. I saw it about 3 months ago and its sort of swirled around my head to the point I now want a vintage tape boom box of my own. I'm not even much of a mark ronson fan.

    I could do with advice really as I know nothing about these things I want a fairly powerful solid tape unit, single or double with aux-in and decent bass. If anyone could recommend me brands or model numbers where to start that would be great.

    I will be using it to play 80s/90s detroit house and partiboi69 mixes
  2. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    It really depends how much you have to spend, and how big you want it.

    And then there's styling. I would recommend just doing a google image search on "vintage boombox" and seeing what kind of style you like.
    Mystic Traveller and Boodokhan like this.
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum! Check your local online sources for units up for sale or auction. The units tend to find you and not the other way around. It took me over four years to find one missing component to one of my mini-stereos, that's no fun but it's just about complete now. There's so many cool and interesting units that can at least fill in until you find your personal favorite. We are in boombox season right now, prices on ebay tend to nosedive this time of year, I chalk it up to people buying other items for the holiday season but keep yours eyes open, there should be a ton of bargains.

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