JVC PC55 Advice

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by toby lawlor, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. toby lawlor

    toby lawlor New Member

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    UK , London
    Hi, I am looking for advice on a JVC PC55 boombox.

    I recently purchased it as I had one as a kid and loved it, my issue is when I play cassettes , it is perfect on the left speaker, and really distorted on the right.

    when I play radio or MP3 its perfect so can only assume its the tape player.

    anyone got any advice on how I can fix this or is it destined for the bin? I have managed to get some dioxit on the autoreverse head as it was sticking, and now flips fine, really would like to know if this is repairable, and if so anyone in London / southeast that could fix it?


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  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    That's a very nice box don't give up on it, I just pulled it's little brother out of rotation but it had a good run as my daily driver. Does the distortion carry over when the tape changes sides? Is it in the headphones as well? Do you hear scratching when moving the volume? What happens when you switch the speaker wires?

    Since the auto reverse was sticking I'd look around that after checking the other functions to make sure it's not just corrosion or dirty switches. I'd give the tape path a nice cleaning with IPA, the closer to 100% the better. Some of the DeOxit may have gotten on the head.
  3. toby lawlor

    toby lawlor New Member

    Trophy Points:
    UK , London
    thanks ill give it a bash, appreciate your help and ill try what suggested and post back
  4. toby lawlor

    toby lawlor New Member

    Trophy Points:
    UK , London
    B86D3000-404A-4C67-A188-0C09F764820A.jpeg A5D29821-14BD-43A6-8346-814DCB090F1D.jpeg D7B963BB-CDF5-4676-8526-787D515A4E55.jpeg B86D3000-404A-4C67-A188-0C09F764820A.jpeg took it all apart , blew out the dust , deOxit switches and cleaned it all up and polished , ran tape cleaner through it , now working perfectly , the LCD is a bit garbled up but 90% ok radio works a treat , very happy thanks for good advice

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