Looking for *Working* Sony D-50 CD Player

Discussion in 'Gear you want' started by Fernan, May 28, 2024.

  1. Fernan

    Fernan New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Looking for a 100% working Sony D-50, D-5 or D-14 CD player for a reasonable price, I have been scammed twice before where both sellers stated the units were fully working (one seller even had a link in the description of a YouTube video where you could see and hear the Player producing sound) the first unit actually had the common fault where the disc would spin for a second, stop and shut off, while the second unit (the one with the YT-Link of it clearly playing) would not show any signs of life whatsoever. I know these players aren't the most reliable and it is to be expected that most of them aren't working anymore after 40 years, but I have seen units that are still working perfectly, so if anyone on the forum has a working unit he/she would like to part with for a reasonable price, I would be very appreciative

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