This Sony TPS-L2 was bought, according to my mother, as soon as it came out, back in 1979/1980 old fellow who still works nowadays after a belt change, but sadly it does have damage, such as cosmetic damage but most importantly it's the capstan folding and damaging the tape for some reason, but i have me theories on that, it's serial number is 444400, btw anyway, it was getting pretty beated up so i decided to retire it in favor of a Sony WM-101 i have seen people speak both about the WM-100 and the W-102, but never the WM-101, so i never figured out what makes them different, although they all look very similar it has a slight wow, but a new belt is on the way, so i hope that it will play good enough when i'll get to change it also found a Aiwa HS-T90 but that one is so beat up i won't even try to repair it and i don't even know if it's salvageable for parts, ha anyway, thanks for reading my begineer post !