As I have mention earlier, I just started my collection and this is what I have accumulated so far. The only walkman, I don't have a pictured of is the Sony WM-GX614 which is currently being asses for repairs. Model RQ-SW6 This is my only fully working cassette player and least like only because of its bulk, it does sound great though. Model # WM-101 This guy, I really, really like the most, sadly it is also the most incomplete of them all . I bought at a antique stereo store for display only but, in the back of my mind was hoping that it wouldn't be as bad as it actually is (missing parts), I hope to find a working one, one day. Model #MW-RX77 After having bought this guy at a flea market, I realized that it doesn't come with a standard headphone jack and aside from needing a new belt it could have been a good purchased. Model # Aiwa HS-F1 I bought this guy relatively cheap and kind of works okay. Not a walkman but found at a second hand store during a search, I found this little handheld T.V. from Casio in the original box, unopened. Now it sits in my display. Model # Casio TV-900 Thanks for checking it out.