Hi Everyone. This is my first post for well......a few years. I'm sure that many members will have seen these before on the old forum and I hope no one minds me repeating myself! Hopefully you will like them though and maybe one for the newer members, definitely one for the Nakamichi fans!
Looking at these brochures, takes me back to those days of lusting after a CR-4. I missed out and got a brand new Cassette Deck 1 instead, my first home deck I bought with my own money at a price of £600 which was just before the VAT went up from 15% to 17.5%. I now have a CR-7, i could only dream about a CR-7 at the time. Thanks for bringing back all those lovely memories, keep posting.
Thanks TooCool. My first Nak was an MR-1. I bougt it second hand from the local Hifi shop. I had that for many years! I will keep posting mate, loads more goodies for you all!
I posted this upstairs but I saw this thread was ranking high on Yahoo.jp so I'll post it here, a killer website on Naks! Tons of great information on the units. https://note.com/toby_nakamichi/m/m9ee869cf7787?_x_tr_hist=true
Here's my baby, I got one cheap on ebay 20 years ago, it worked great until a couple years ago and now needs a belt. The big chunky 70's units used to get zero respect. Check out the early Nakamichi Tapes, I bet those are rare.
Wow, $3946.00 USD (today) using the inflation calculator, I'm wondering who the target market was for these.