Hi there! Here goes the link to the Wikiboombox site (many thanks to the site founders!) with an article describing the method of expanding the FM band coverage of the National RX-7200 with photos. Do hope that this one will help those who have 7200S. Good luck with that mod! http://www.wikiboombox.com/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=3
This is confusing: Author note: The author of this article has not personally tried or tested this upgrade procedure to verify if it works. Why would anyone want to try this if it's not been verified??
Vintage guy, if you read the whole article, you will understand that the author of the wikiboombox article (me) is not the same person who discovered and devised the procedure for the conversion. Furthermore, if you read the whole thing, it will become obvious to you that the person who devised the procedure actually did perform exactly what he is sharing and reported success in the conversion process. However, it is by no means an easy conversion to do, especially with regards to re-tuning the tuner board which takes some skill. The actual part of changing the micro-controller to switch to and support 88-108 mode, and activating the extra digit is the easy part of the conversion. Whether you have the skills to perform the upgrade successfully in a whole 'nother matter. The information is there. However, if you read the step/step and feel lost or confused, STOP. You won't be able to do this since it does require at least some understanding or familiarity of the technical processes discussed.
Yep, exactly. But this guy has been into those radio tech things since he was young, mid 70s, AFAIK. So he knew what he was doing inside his own RX-7200 while tweaking its JDM radio...