Couple of days ago I received a pack of new belts, capstan ring and idler tire via ebay from Mihokm. I changed them following a youtube tutorial but the problem with my WM-D6C remains, it won't fast-forward or rewind. Can anyone help me to understand what the fault is and how to repair it? Thanks in advance
I've made progress on this. I found that the cue/revue mechanism was stiff (dried grease I guess). The small rubber tire marked with a red spot visible beneath the main drive belt in the attached image should move freely when cue or rewind is activated. By removing the new rubber belts and wheels recently replaced I was able to remove the small cog to the right of the small rubber tire - remove the rubber tire, then carefully remove the spring clip holding the small cog and, gently but with some force, prise off the cog (I used a couple of watchmakers screwdrivers for this). I applied a few drops of low viscosity silicon lubricant to the plates and then moved them to assist the capillary flow of lubricant. Reassembled and now the review works perfectly, the cue works but only by pressing review and then pressing straight into cue. For now that's good enough and I have to sort the next issue; distortion of playback sound. Back to the forum and the Web.
The distortion on the playback may be due to the muting module failing. This is a common problem on the D6s and the older D6Cs. I've put some information on my ebay listing for replacement muting modules (link below) which should help you find out if this is the problem. Information on muting modules
Discovered mine just had this problem, when I get to a better work station that my desk at work, I will try to grease that cog! THANKS!
When you tried to fwd or rwd, did the rubber wheel turn at all? I am having the same issue, but the gear and the rubber wheel are not turning. PS: What sort of silicone grease did you use? I don't have many options near me, can certain automotive silicone grease work as well?